Chapter 8: Crush?

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                 I hear the harshness in his voice, I debate pointing it out but I figure I need to get on his good side. “I love wrestling, but if you weren’t being a dick you would have noticed my remotes guts are scattered on the floor…” I give a convincing sad face, “Tear!” I say using my pointer finger to slide down my cheek like a tear.

                I could tell in his eyes he was fighting a smile, “Hm, looks like I get to have all control tonight” he smirks slyly placing the batteries back into the remote.

                “No…just majority unless you wanna just hand me the remote, I’m best when I’m in control” I wink, then burst into laughter. “I’m just joking, I have a dirty mind but I’m as innocent as a butterfly.” I use my hands as a pillow, tilting my head to one side and bat my eyelashes at him with my most innocent smile.

                “I doubt it but I’ll take your word for it” He says rolling his eyes but I couldn’t help but notice his sides of his lips turned up. “Alright, so first things first: wrestling is stunted in case you didn’t know. However not all of it is fake, sometimes when people are having a personal issue they do use the match as a chance to have a real fight. It’s rare but you’ll know these matches because people in suits and referees come out.” He pauses, waiting for some kind of question.

                My mind races for a question so the awkward silence will go away, every thought that comes to mind involves how hot he is so they won’t do!  “Erm…um… have you ever done that? Have a real fight I mean.” I ask, he shrugs his shoulders and I can’t help but look at his perfectly built body.

                “A few times, I always regret them though you get charged big money for going off script unless it’s an accident. Now I’ll start Smackdown and I’ll point out any mistakes I notice also what move they are using, ect.” He says, staring at the tv my eyes still on his body Jazmine get ahold of yourself before he notices…okay, okay I’ll look at the tv in three…two…two and a half…one…one and a half….one and erm what comes next? I can’t focus he is so beautiful! “You listening?” He suddenly asks, I shake my head and look at his face he lifts and eyebrow obviously confused.

                “Yeah, sorry I have a killer headache...” I lie, I break the long eye contact we hold looking at the TV Teddy Long was bragging that People Power was over when suddenly he was interrupted by The Big Sellout...oops I meant The Big Show! "Question!" I squeal raising my hand in the air, Randy fights a smile as he points at me like a teacher calling on a student. "Is Show know? Or is he just playing a character?" I ask excitement in my voice along with concern,

                "Do you really wanna know? Once I tell you, you can't just forget about it." Randy lifts his eyebrow before turning back watching Show talk about how John Cena could never beat him one on one. 

                 "Yes! No...wait...hmm... yes! Now quick tell me before I change my mind!" I squeal hugging a pillow to cover my mouth so I don't speak up, Brodus Clay's music blast and we both turn back to the TV expecting a good fight. 

                 "Um...well hold on this may be a good lesson for you..." he trails off leaning closer to the TV, Big Show immediately got the upper hand attacking Brodus as he slid into the ring he makes a fatal mistake by letting him up off the ground Brodus takes over having Show stuck in the corner. "So as you notice no one is really trying to stop it, so it is a planned attack, so far I don't see a mistake they both look fairly believable when it comes to being mad and actually hitting." David Otunga comes out of nowhere and hits Brodus' knee causing him to fall to the mat. "Alright here is something, with the angle of the camera it looked okay, not perfect like if it was a more experienced wrestler but if the camera was on the other side it would have looked fake." he adds rewinding the part to show me again,

The One with the Ring or the One for Me? |Randy Orton|Where stories live. Discover now