Chapter 13: Creep

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                “So, where are you taking me?” Jazmine asks leaning over placing her head on my shoulder while I drive down the street staring up at me with the most innocent smile, if she only knew just how close she came from making me crash.

                “It’s actually a surprise but I have a feeling you’ll love it…” I say in a husky voice as I try to remember how to breathe, she moves her head and suddenly the memory comes back like magic. In, out, in, out…I remind myself the way to breathe, I could just hear Jazmine’s reply to my thought ‘That’s also how you have sex’ with a playful wink then her sweet, sweet laughter filling the car, I chuckle to myself.

                “What are you laughing about?” she asks narrowing her eyes at me, obviously wondering what she had done.

                “Something you said, well didn’t say but would say…it’s complicated.” I stammer trying to sound less crazy,

                “The voices are back aren’t they?” she laughs taking my hand in hers and my heart speeds up, this oddly feels like a date…but it’s not right? Well of course it’s not, I’m married and she…well she is 19 years old I doubt she would want to date an old man like me.

                “In an odd way yes…” I say giving her a weird look she smiles even bigger holding back a chuckle, I want to lean forward in kiss her while at this red light but instead give her hand a gentle squeeze before going through the green light.

                “You are a very strange person, Randy…” she says in a serious voice that almost makes me feel as though she meant it in a bad way. “However I love it!” She exclaims letting go of my hand, my heart fell but quickly got back up when she rested her head back on my shoulder her strawberry shampoo seeking its way up my nose making it hard to concentrate.

                “You and Alanna are the only ones I can be like this around.” I say out of nowhere she lifts her head and her face looks cold as stone at the mention of my daughter and I realized I completely ruined the mood.

                “You never mention her…what is she like?” Jaz asks, leaning against the door now instead of me trying to distance herself as much as possible. Note to self: Never mention my family when I get to be this close to her… I sigh in my head.

                “I know, don’t really like to go personal. Lanna is very…spunky, if she doesn’t get her way she will make you regret it until she actually does get what she wants. However we don’t spoil her it’s just something she gets from me, probably her temper that she doesn’t quite know how to show.” I smile at the thought of her, “She looks at me like I cured cancer, diabetes, and Aids all in one hour even though I’m really nothing special…” I trail off as my heart gets stuck in my throat,

                “You are incredibly special, Randy, trust me on that one.” Jazmine smiles and my heart flies into the air out of joy, “I would love to meet her someday…” she trails off waiting to see my reaction, mixed emotions fill me. Yes, I want Jazmine to meet Alanna cause I know they would get along, however he didn’t want to risk introducing her and she not sticking around…

                “Thanks, and I’m sure she will love that.” I smile, wanting her not to be so far away from me, I feel like a Lepered.

                We sit in comfortable silence the rest of the way, when we pull up to Six Flags, Jazmine’s face burst with excitement! “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe you are taking me here!” She exclaims climbing out of the car before I even come to a complete stop.  

The One with the Ring or the One for Me? |Randy Orton|Where stories live. Discover now