Me? A Model? Never Again...

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  • Dedicated to My grandmother who is always there for me. Don't know what I would do without u.

Me? A Model? Never Again...

Chapter 1-

"No Jessica! Turn the other way!" the photographer screamed at me.

I sigh but obey and pose again. How on earth did Emily convince me to do this again? I hate modeling! I don't gain anything by doing it... well, unless you count Emily and Robert's happiness, my parents. I quit calling them by mom and dad when I started modeling 11 years ago because they told me it seemed unprofessional. So now they are Robert and Emily to me.

"Jessica Kimberlin! Pay attention!" yelled this time by Emily.

I have had it! That is the 10th time someone has yelled at me today.

I turn to Emily "No! I am fed up with this! I quit! You know I hate modeling. I'M DONE." then turned back around and walked toward the changing room.

"Jessica! You get back here right now! You can't quit. I will not allow it!" I hear the voice behind me but don't turn around knowing it's Emily.

As I'm walking I take out my phone knowing I have to leave. Thankfully I know exactly who to call; Lois, my grandmother who lives in Colorado. As far away as I can get from Emily and Robert in New York.

--------Phone Convo---------

Jesse! My dear how are you? Oh I've missed you!

Hi grandma I've missed you too.

What's wrong?

I need a favor.

Of course dear, what is it?

Can I come live with you and grandpa Walter for awhile? I can't take the modeling anymore. Emily is to involved with the money now and I need a break. No matter what, I'm leaving but id like to stay with you if that's okay.

Of course! I'd love to have you. You can even use the tickets we gave you on your birthday.

Great! Thank you grandma. I love you and I'll see you in a few hours.

Okay. I love you too.

-------End Phone Convo------

I hang up the phone and turn around to face my mother who is still hurrying after me.

"I'm leaving" I say without any preamble.

"You can't leave you little brat. Your only 16. Where are you gonna go?"

"Why do you care? I'm leaving and you can't stop me" I say holding back a lot of anger then turn around and walking into my changing room locking the door.

With a sigh I walk over to my clothes ready to take off the red bikini and back into my blue skinny jeans, black flip-flops, and maroon blouse.

Once I'm changed I head over to the vanity mirror so I can take off most of the makeup.

I have hazel eyes and dark brown curly hair that makeup artists and stylists love to work with. I have very nice curves and really long athletic legs because I love to go running. Today my eyes look huge because of the makeup and my hair is wavy but once the makeup is off I look like my self again.

By now it is quiet outside so I'm guessing that my mom left. It turns out that I was right and by the time I walked out of the building my limo was waiting for me. Joey, my driver, was standing by the door.

After I got in I said "Joey can you call the maids and tell them to pack my stuff and send it to my grandparents house? We are going to the airport."

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