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NOTE: Ok so this is after Tony heals and he's friends with Steve. (wow look at past me, not understanding the concept of a storyline.)

---Tony's POV---

Sir, Agent Romanoff would like me to inform you that they are waiting for you in the main living room.

"Tell them I'll be down in a minute." We were going to a bar called The Slippery Noodle because Bucky, Sam, and Thor were on a mission and Peter was sick so Bruce wanted to stay with him.

"Ok, everyone ready to go?" Nat asked.


"Alright let's go."

Once we got there, Steve and Nat headed to find a table. There was a dance floor with couples dancing along to the live jazz band. Classy. Clint and I headed to the bar to get some drinks.

---Steve's POV---

"So how's your relationship with Stark been going?" Natasha asked.

"W-what relationship?"

"I mean, when are you going to tell him?"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about" I huffed

"Steve, you know perfectly well about what I'm talking about."

"I don't know Nat. He doesn't like me so I doubt I'll tell him."


We turned around to see a drunk Clint and Tony doing shots with a crowd of people surrounding them.

Oh god.

We hurried over to them to get them out as soon as we possibly could.

"Steeeeveeeeeee, I misssssedd youuuuuuuuuuuu babyyyyy" Tony slurred.

"Tony, we're going home and you're going to bed."

"With youuuuu? I'd loooovee toooo!"

"Come on Tony," I said blushing, ignoring his remark.

"I'm coooooooomingggg babbbbyyyyy!" The brunette slurred as he tumbled his way down the steps.

I picked him up bridal style and carried him to the car.

"Ya know steeeeeb, I looooove youuuuuu soooooooo muchhhhh"

I could feel my skin flush into a deep red.

Natasha already had Clint in the car, ready to go. Lucky for us, Clint wasn't nearly as drunk as Tony.

I got Tony into the car and buckled up.

"let's go Nat."

On the way back to the tower, both Tony and Clint sang along to Taylor Swift's Shake it Off- awfully.


It's gonna be a long night.

Tony, I'm sorryWhere stories live. Discover now