T H R E E- Sleep

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   After practice I waited for Tanaka to change. He cane to me with his bag after he changed and we started our walk. We chatted endlessly, and we stopped at a corner store. We went in and he bought us some pork buns. We ate them happily as we walked, but rain started to come from the sky. We ran to my house and stood under the roof.
   "Do you wanna come in? I'm sure my mom would be fine with it," I suggested. He nodded and nodded and I opened to door, leading him in.
   "Welcome me home scrubs," I said, and my brother ran up to me. I picked him up and faced him towards Tanaka.
   "Tanaka, this is my brother Tai. He's eight, and a little rascal," I said and laughed. Tai smiled and jumped at Tanaka, hugging him.
   "Hi Tanaka! I'm Tai! Tai L/N!" He said, I giggled. Tanaka picked up my brother and lifted him up.
   "Hey there Tai," he said with a laugh. My mom walked into the room.
   "Who's this, Y/N?" She asked, I looked at her.
   "This is Tanaka. He's a second year at school. He was kindly walking me home when the rain caught us. I was wondering if he could stay here tonight, so he doesn't get all of his schoolwork wet."
   "As long as Tanaka doesn't sleep in your room, I'm fine with it," She said, I smiled and nodded.
   "Thank you, Mom," I said and looked at Tanaka, "Make yourself at home," I said and went upstairs. I got a blanket and a pillow, I came back down and gave them to him. He smiled and took them gratefully. He sat on the couch and I sat next to him. He pulled me to his side and I turned on the tv. We watched an episode of an anime that was on.
   "Can I see your phone a second?" I asked. He nodded and I put my contact into it and smiled, handing it back. He edited the contact and put a f/c Heart pnext to it (out of the six main colors and black and pink.) he texted me and I looked down at my phone. It said 'Tanaka' I giggled a little and put his contact in my phone as 'Senpai' with an orange heart by it. He smiled and held me to his side.
   Tanaka laid his head down on the pillow. I smiled and whispered to him, "She said that you couldn't sleep in my room, she didn't say I had to." He smiled and looked at me.
   "Are you sure? I don't want your mom to not like me," he said. I smiled at him, laying down by him as he wrapped his arms around me.
   "Yeah, as long as my moms rules aren't directly disobeyed she's fine. She is okay with me being smart with her, she gets that imma teen," I said and giggled. He chuckled and held me to himself.
   "Hey, Y/N-Chan?" He asked.
   "Hmm?" I hummed in response.
   "I know we haven't known each other long, but do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked, looking down at me.
   "I'd like that," I said and smiled. He pulled me close and I nuzzled into his chest, using his arm as a pillow. We fell asleep in our normal clothes soon. I may have been on a couch, but that was the best sleep I've ever gotten.

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