Chapter 15- Wtf did you think we were doing? You pervy-sage-i mean readers

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"Airi." I looked towards the person who was calling my name. Sasuke.

"Ya?" He looked at me and narrowed his eyes, glaring at me. I could see the hatred. I could tell that whatever he was about to do, he wouldnt regret. But he was wrong. So wrong. He would regret his next move, so greatly he may just take revenge on himself. I narrowed my eyes as well. I wont let him win, I wont let him defeat me!

I laid it down on the table, for everyone to see. They narrowed they're eyes some smirking, some wanting it. Wanting the power it held. Others wishing they had'nt backed out, hadn't have layed their possesions down and lost them in this cruel game. Sasuke smirked.  A bluff, right? A bluff, theres no way he can win this. Im too strong for him, IT'S to strong!

He layed his down onto the table and people gasped. Profanities were hissed out. And my eyes widened. No. No, it cant be! He cheated I know it!

"Royal Straight Flush." He said with a smirk. I slammed my cards down onto the threw a scroll someone put in the pile at him.

"Your such a fucking cheater sasuke! No wonder you wanted a fucking jacket!" He piled all of his stuff into a bag and threw a choclate bar at me. I caught it and threw it back at him, it his his head and he cursed at me.

"Dont have to be sore fucking loser!" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. The boys around the table laughed at me.

"Screw off. He cheated." He shrugged. And got up, taking his stuff with him.

"I was gonna share with you but now...i dont think I will." He smirked and walked away.


" Duckass, nice." He muttered and chuckled as he walked away.

And this, is what we do at 4:00 in the fucking morning at the hideout when we're supposed to pack our suitcases...

Wait, what did you think we were doing ;) you pervsssssz


Alright that was a little something for you guys b/c i havent updated in such a long time! So ya. basicly they're keeping the little insomniac preoccupied while they take shifts sleeping! Haha! Cant have her going around drawing mustaches on evry1 like I do. Ya. I learned the other day when i was up at like 4:00 in the morning (with no sugar or caffine that day btw) that i MIGHT have a slight case of insomnia....just sayin.....


Sakura: Me too! T_T

Light Imagay: Did we just forget about sasuke?

Kakashi: Kinda, I think airi comes with sasuke right? Its like a package deal.

Airi: Where are we?!

Sasuke: Who knows who cares I won the game! And you guys allll just lost it!


Naruto: WHo are you!?

Airi: Canada Naruto. Canada.... (ppffft hetalia reference 10 pts. 2 who got it)

Koko: I dont really know....I know im Koko

Sakura: Awww where's your mommy and daddy Koko? We'll help you.

Koko: I...I dont know.

Naruto: Wait I thought she was Canada!

Saika: *Slaps forehead*

(just alittle taste of some ppls OC's im going to credit them in the chapter they appear in the story! Mssg me (creators) if I got they're personality OK.

and yes...i know this was weak and took weeeeekksss to get out im working on it!)

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