Chapter 18- [insert sarcastic & funny title here]

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" I wonder what's going on in konoha?"

Maybe we should look and see? I mean, not everything revovles around Sasuke, Orochimaru, and the Akatsuki. They ARE other S-ranked criminals and rogues. Same goes with Naruto, its not just those certain teams we hear about, there are other ninjas, and there also are people who ARENT ninjas too! 


"Naruto. Something wrong?" I asked looking at his stressed out figure slumping on the bench.

" Sasuke left the village and Tsunade wont give me a mission." I bit my lip. So sasuke left the village huh? Always knew he was an idiot. Might as well make blondie happy.

" you wanna go get some ramen?" I pointed my thumb behind me and he shook his head and got up to walk in the other direction. Wow, he must really be hurting from this. He turned down free ramen. Maybe he's going to go try and get another mission from Tsunade. He turned around with a terrified look in his eyes.

" Promise me Hero, that you wont leave to. I wont be able to handle it if you leave." I nodded.

"Im sure you would. I promise though, I'll never leave you." Me and Naruto had been friends since I came to the village when I was seven. I was his first friend. And even today we are tied by the hip. I even help him train once in a while by cheering him on. To most people im very cold and may come off mean, but thats just my defense, its because of what happened in my past that made me what I am today. But even though im cold, to my friends, Im one of the most friendliest people you could know, and one of the weakest.

Naruto had always shooed off the bullies from my school, my normal middle school. Meaning I was not a ninja. He scared them because he could do ninjustu. But he didnt really scare the other ninjas, and they really didnt bother me. Actually from when i was seven up until now I've become good friends with them.


I chuckled lightly and waved at Naruto as he sadly walked out of the gates on a pointless D ranked mission. Knowing him he'll make it into an adventure.

" Hey Hero." I turned around and smiled at my best friend, Ryu.

"Hey Ryu.?" His eyes widened and he rushed to feel my forehead.

"Are you OK!?" I raised an eyebrow and widened my smirk into a side grin.

"WASSSSUUUUUUPPPP!?" He started laughing and fixed his jacket. Stupid boy, becomes a chunnin.

"I think we should take you to the hospital Hero, your acting like a normal human being!" He grinned and wrapped his hand proectively around my shoulder, guarding me from the flirtatious boys walking past us. I laughed alittle while we walked aimlessly.

" Naruto is on another adventure." He laughed.

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