Chapter 31 - [ Oblivion ]

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Releasing this early, because I'm so ready for bed lmao (it's like 8 pm rn what's wrong with me). Enjoy babes, feedback's always welcome~ :D


"Let's break up," as if the world has turned silent, the words sounded like an echo to the both of us. Taehyung shot back, eyes that were soft and guilty, now replaced with fear and concern.

"You don't love me anymore?" he asks choking back his tears, nose flaring, and chest heaving. It kills you to hear him say that because it is exactly the opposite, but you know this relationship is beginning to turn toxic. And it would eventually destroy you if you don't end it.

"Of course I love you Tae, but today, it made me realize that this relationship is never going to work for us," I tell him, also holding onto the tears that stubbornly fell.

He continues, "Baby, you know I need you," his voice sounded like a plead.

I scoff softly at his words, "You don't Taehyung."

"So what? You are just going to throw away our 5 years of relationship just like this?" Taehyung argues, his tone now louder and angrier, making veins visible on his neck.

"Taehyung, we can't keep doing this to ourselves. It is obvious that the both of us are just too caught up in our own lives," I stand up to walk towards him, opening my arms to give him one last heartbreaking hug and he let me, limp under my arms.

"I love you Taehyung. I have never stopped loving you, but maybe we needed a break from each other," I let go, looking straight into his eyes, full of tears. Taehyung got up from his seat avoiding my gaze, but all I could see is the hurt in his eyes when he stomps away to his room, closing the door with a loud bang. Just then, the sound of rain gushing down became apparent to my ears. As if the world knows how I feel. I scrunch down when I felt Lulu rubbing herself on my feet. Adoring how she has grown up into such a lovely cat.

"Take care of your dad for me will you love?" I whisper as my tears manage to roll down my cheeks as I caress Lulu.


I stayed home for the rest of the weekend. Afraid of bumping into Taehyung if I ever stepped outside. The first day felt so odd, as always I expected a good morning text from Taehyung, but it never came. So the whole Saturday I waited for him to text me or call me, anything. I was basically distracted the whole day. I couldn't concentrate on my projects that are due the next week.

The second day got worst as the emptiness is starting to kick in. I never received any text or calls.

"Noona, do you want to go grab some food with me?" my brother walks towards the couch, where I am. Merely watching or listening to the TV in front of me. I let out a deep sigh, "Why did your friends ditch you?" I say and my brother scoffs.

"Of course not, I just wanted to spend a day with my sweet sister is that so wrong?"

I squint my eyes at him, suspicious of how nice he is all of a sudden. Seeing me, my brother sits down beside me, "I'll pay?" he says with a little grin.

"Call!" I say, hopping to my feet, "I'll be ready in 5." I went to my room and got ready. Did not even bother to use any make up I went out with my brother. I was cautious at first because Taehyung's place is just right in front of mine. A part of me was hoping that he would somehow open his door and our eyes will melt away everything. But this is not some kind of kdrama, things like that do not happen in real life.

The third day came and at this point, it felt as if the day has gone by so fast. I went to the office, having to apologize to my boss first thing after I arrived because I am unable to finish my project that was due today.

BOY WITH HORMONES (Book 2) // K.T.H x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now