Chapter #4: Ember "How Does It Feel?"

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As I jump out of the portal, I take in my situation. I'm in a forest, not a school. The forest is mostly made up of tall evergreen trees but some oaks dot the clearing I've landed in. I shiver as I try to ignore the icy fingers slowly making their way down my back. It's snowing. The sound of twigs snapping alerts me of a presence. It's not the shadow, my father, it's something else, something even worse. Three girls race out of the brush and towards me. One has a pair of slender daggers in her right hand, the other had a scythe, and the other had a sword.

"Where is he?" The girl with the daggers says. Then she quickly puts the blades to my throat. Even though they could kill me, I have to stay cool, I can't let them know I'm afraid. I might sound weak. The girl with the scythe comes closer to me, taking in my strength, her black hair falls in two thick braids, down until they reach her feet. Her scythe is black, with red studs all around the blade, it could cleave my head off with one hit. Her being is even more menacing than the girl with the daggers, the way her red eyes pick me apart bit by bit is something that reminds me so much of my father's eye and I don't like it. I don't know which way they stand, with the demon or with those against it and the knives against my neck aren't really helping me think either. The girl holding daggers to my throat has sleek brown hair and green eyes, her outfit consists of a ratty green shirt and blue jeans, and although old clothes don't normally get me thinking, 'this girl is awesome' she looked powerful and confident and I'm absolutely terrified right now. The girl who has the sword is staring at me, not making me feel much better. She has blonde hair, cut short and paired with dark blue eyes, she makes me squirm. I like this girl the least out of all of them, and that's saying a lot since there's a girl holding daggers to my neck.

"I said where is he?" The girl repeats, "Katherine, why isn't she talking?" She nods over to the girl with blonde hair, who I'm assuming is called Katherine. The girl with the scythe looks sympathetically at me.

"Sorry, Mia isn't used to people not being afraid of her," Scythe girl says, glaring at the other girls. The girl who I can only guess is named Mia shrugs, letting the daggers fall to her sides. I take this chance that has been so kindly handed over to me, to reach for the blonde girl's sword. I have already started to lean towards it, but I know that I won't have enough time. I need that sword right now, it can protect me, I know it can. The sword trembles a little, and then floats, suspended in the air, over into my hand. My mouth hangs open in disbelief. I just lifted a sword using just my mind! The girls were as surprised as I was because they stood still for a couple seconds before running straight for me all at once. I hold the sword up, it's heavy but I manage. Kathrine just stands there, her sword was taken, after all, she was stunned but not stunned enough to stop fighting. She ran towards me like a bullet through the air and kicked me in the gut. I keel over in pain. Apparently, I made her even angrier then she was before. Obviously, I can't fight them off, so I try a different tactic. I stop in my tracks, hoping that they will too.

"Hey, I'm trying to get to a school, Sarah's school for freaks, right?" I asked, I can tell that my sarcasm is the last thing I need right now but I can't take back what I said. The girls stop fighting me. Instead, their faces light up, not in excitement, in fear.

"You," Kathrine says, though it comes out as more of a question than a statement. The girl with the scythe starts staring daggers at Kathrine, looking almost as dangerous as the ones Mia carried. She takes a while to compose herself, like she's trying to come up with a speech or something. I put my hands on my hips, dropping the sword, waiting for someone to speak, I don't feel that it's my place to break the silence between us, so I stand by, preparing myself to answer any question that comes my way.

"I told you she wasn't evil," Scythe girl says, walking up to me, red hair swinging as she paces back and forth. "Her dad might be The Demon, but that doesn't mean she's completely evil" She smiles at me while continuing to glare at the others. I take a while to think about what this means. I remember Vexx, well my father coming to see me, and telling me that I'm his daughter. That was The Demon? Who is The Demon anyway? What did he want? Why did they automatically assume that I was evil? All these questions are racing through my head so fast, I feel as if my head is about to explode. Again, I was raised on science, today I met demons, jumped through a portal, magically levitated a sword and pretty much shattered the memories of what I thought was real.

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