Chapter #8: Sofia "The Most Powerful Thing"

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How many ways do I need to watch Emma lose control? Need to watch her die. She was a sister to me and in the simulation, they made her lose control, gave her every death imaginable. They made me kill her. Her black sand was wrapping itself around my throat and the white sand was like a tentacle, going right through Emma's eyes, ripping them out, the cracked doors to her soul. She had lost it, the voices and power consumed her. I'll get them back for that. I run at the glass at full force but I can't break it, my magic doesn't work here. I look down at my hands and realize that my hand knit gloves have been replaced with very intricate thick leather ones that are lined with silver studs. I grin at the new gloves, they'll never figure out how I work but they sure know about my powers. Right now, based on the fact that they want my powers controlled, it looks like they're terrified of me. I slowly tug off my gloves, smiling all the way. My hands touch the window, one finger at a time, swiping my palms across the smooth cool surface. Power flows through me, my fingers almost glowing with power. A red film starts to form over the glass, washing the whole room in blood. The window starts cracking, starting from my fingertips, it spreads and turns to a broken screen of red. It reminds me a bit of the mirror at the orphanage, the only one in the building, it was in Mrs. Dodge's room in the high tower. One day, I went in that room and had to take my gloves off for some reason, I cracked the mirror with the force of my sand and she came in and wouldn't talk to me for the rest of the month. I think that might have been worse than a beating, the fact that she told everybody to forget about me, like I didn't exist. My head snaps up as the sound of Ava's yelling brings me back to the crazy reality that I've grown accustomed to, the reality of magic. 

"Come on people!" Someone yells. I immediately recognize this voice as Ember's, even though I haven't seen much of her, I can recognize that voice anywhere. I look over at the doorway and see Ava, Kari, and Ember, Kari just poking her head out from behind Ember's head. Another girl stands there too, she's wearing a baggy pink sweater that has '2 Weird 4 U' written on it in big block letters, and has on a pair of gray sweatpants. She has blonde hair that rests in curls on her shoulders. I've never seen her before. Why are they here? I haven't seen them since we got the letters. I saw Kari get one from the man in a green cloak. Ember got one from I got one from a teenager with red hair that floated above her head. I got one from a young boy, he was wearing a gray tunic. That boy had such a young face, maybe seven or eight years of age, but he seemed so tall, the height of me! When I looked down at his feet, it appeared that he was floating over the ground at least twelve inches. He handed me a letter that said-

"Wake up!" Ava yells. I open my eyes and look at her. She has grabbed my shoulders and is now shaking me. I look over at the window to see a human-sized hole in the cracked red glass, Ava must have busted through. Ava's eyes connect with my own and I know something bad just happened. She yells at everyone to follow her and they comply. They all rush to the door at the same time, clogging our only way out. Ava looks at Kari, they nod at each other, seeming to understand something that I don't. Ava yells instructions to Kari and Kari's hands start waving at the left side of the room. Once they're done, Kari puts her hands up to the white wall and start making motions that correlate with those of making a puzzle. I'm forced to rip my gaze away when I hear a deafening noise. It sounds as if thirty or more rats were crawling in the walls. People start screaming, they can hear it too. Everyone starts to make their way out the doorway faster than I've seen anything run leaving Kari, Ember, Ava, me, and the girl in the pink sweater to fight whatever is in here. When the noise reaches the room where I am, I see stick-like objects start to poke their way through the wall, like it was made out of rubber. About a dozen of those white sticks have materialized. How did this happen? Ava yells for me to get out of the way as the wall bursts open, letting loose a torrent of spiders. No, they aren't spiders exactly, they have six legs and an almost rectangle shaped body. One of them looks up at me, and I see its eyes. Its eyes are completely white, and they trap me, promise me things that I know I can never have. A loving family, the freedom to be who I want without my father pushing me to the dark, everything. The creature has me in its gaze, and I can't look away. I know that there's somebody yelling behind me but I don't listen. 

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