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An:Hope you like :D

Also... I sorta ship Butters and Dovakhiin... oops spoilers xD


Sighing as I watched the trees outside of the car window pass by my watchful eyes. The white snow practically blinding me but despite that I still watched the outside world.

I heard my mom yell at my dad about something another which I just straight out ignored. Pulling out my ear buds out of my pocket, plugging them into my ears, and turning my music up on blast. Which is a mixture of Panic of The Disco,Three Days Grace, Undertale Soundtrack, Melanie Martinez, and much more. It's just anything that just speaks to my soul.

What seemed like hours of driving we finally reached our stop which was a red house. What seemed to be in a snowy scenery. My thoughts were destroyed when my Mom called out my name.

"Dovakhiin, honey can you help us unload the car?"

Nodding as in saying 'yes' -not wanting to be disrespectful to the woman who gave birth to me. I walked out of the car, went around the open trunk, and got the ironically last box sitting there as if it were mocking me. I scowled at the inanimate object; of course bending my legs, carrying it out to the house. I huffed out once I put it down softly as it made a plop noise.

"Thank you Dova." My Mom said, appreciating my help. I smiled at her and nodded whilst she smiled faintly herself, going to the kitchen.

I went up to my room to see the way it was in the previous town we lived in. I then heard my mom shout out to come downstairs and I did to see her with a handful of coins in her left hand.

"Here honey go play outside and make some friends!" She said excitedly, pouring out the handful of change into my hands.

"But don't have to much fun!" My dad shouted from the kitchen, I rolled my eyes.

'Ever since I came out as Pansexual my dad thinks I'll fall in love with everybody I meet' I scowled at him for always thinking about that.

I walked towards the door opening it to be greeted by the cold. I closed the door behind me annoyed as I heard other people fighting?

I looked up to see a boy dressed up as an elf fighting off another person who is dressed up as a healer per se?

I was of course about to walk off but then I saw the elf looking dude actually hurt the blue plaid person.

Something within my instincts told my I should help him.

So I did

I ran to the elf boy hitting him as he stopped attacking the other. He scowled at me and ran off screeching

"I'm going to tell my mom on you!"

I rolled my eyes looking at personal dressed up as a healer and raised an eyebrow- really bored.

"Oh gee you saved me! Thanks a lot! Hey aren't you the new kid?" Sudden realization hit his face as he looked at me determined.

"New kid you must come with me to the KKK!" He said grabbing my wrist, I almost broke my emotionless mask when I heard him yell out those first 3 letters , and whilst this was happening he dragged me to a house that was two houses down from my own.

Stopping at the said house the guy who I "saved" knocked at the door, and out comes a chubby guy in a wizard costume?

'What the hell is up with everybody I this town?'

The guy, which I don't know his name quite yet. Bowed down as if this guy is some god and said

"All hail the Grand Wizard!"

I remained emotionless however as the "Grand Wizard" spoke.

"Aw yes I see Butters you've brought the new kid."

He nodded excitedly as if he were a puppy and this dude is his master. The Grand wizard dude person acted like he were touching a beard and started to think.

"Hmm come New Kid your journey awaits you!" He spoke once again.

He went through the house, expecting the boy that I found out his name is Butters and I to follow him and we did. To only to walk a short distance to his backyard to find it displayed as a kingdom is some way that's made of cardboard.

I of course didn't speak since it seems like they're speaking for me. We three stopped in front of a tent which had a sign that read:

"Kupa Keep"

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