The Sleepover Part 2

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"Have you seen Dipper I need to... Who is that?" Great Uncle Ford's words echoed throughout the room as everyone stood still in fear.

"Oh Great Uncle Ford! Who is this? Umm... she is..... uhhhh....." Mabel struggled to find an answer

"It's me Great Uncle Ford." Dipper decided to let Ford know that it was him, he might be able to help, right?

"Dipper? Is that you?" Ford was perplexed, how could this beautiful, tame young girl be his smart, danger-seeking great nephew?

"Yes, it's me Great Uncle Ford."

"H- How did this happen? Who could've done this?"

"It was Bill, when he shot that ray at Dipper earlier today." Mabel replied

"Why didn't you tell me? I could've helped you!"

"Mabel forced me to go to the mall to get clothes and makeup." Dipper replied, taking a jab at Mabel.

"Well, we will try to fix you tomorrow, but you will need a name if we can't change you back... hmmm.... what should it be?"

Mabel quickly came up with an idea,
"Daphne! It should be Daphne!"

"Wait!" Dipper tried to interject, but he was too late.

"Then it's settled! Dipper will be known as Daphne until we can fix him..errr.... her?"

1 week later

"Hey Daph?" said Mabel, to Daphne, who was asleep.

"I never agreed to that name.."

"Yeah? Well now your stuck with it, but there is something Ford needs to tell you."


Dipper's POV

"Fine." Is what I said to Mabel as I pulled myself of off my bed and slowly dragged my legs behind me as I went down to the basement to meet Ford. It has been a week since I have been turned into a girl and we have already looked through the journals several times and found nothing that would help me, maybe it was hopeless.

When I was in the basement Ford came over to me and said,"Ah! There you are! Daphne, I think I have a way to switch you back, but you won't like it. You will have to make a deal with Bill or live the rest of your life as a girl. I know this is a big decision so I will give you some time and then once you've decided come to me okay." It took me a second to realise what he meant, "Okay." I replied.

No-one's POV

So Daphne walked back up the stairs and flopped back down on her bed.

"Hey, Daph? I....uhhh.. need to ummm... tell you something." said Mabel, stuttering.

"Okay, what do you want Mabel?"

"Umm... I overheard what Ford was saying to you earlier and this past week has been really great and I..... I want you to..... to... stay as a... ummm...." Mabel struggled to say this, she knew of she said this it would break her sister's heart,"I want you to stay as my sister." Mabel ran out of the room, with tears streaming down from her face.

Daphne just watched as Mabel ran out the room, the last week hasn't been so bad, Right? Maybe... just maybe, she could stay as a girl, but what would her parents say? But she didn't have time to think right now, she was on a mission to find Bill, and see what he wanted her to do.

3 hours later

After hours of searching Daphne finally found Bill, little did she know that Bill was just watching her search and search. But he finally decided to put her out of her misery and reveal himself to her.

"Hey Pine Tree! Whatcha want?"

"AGH! Oh, it's you... I want you to change me back!"

"Why would you want me to do that Pine Tree? That old body was a drag, at least this one is more... interesting."

"What? Please never say that ever again. I want you to change me back into a guy, being a girl is a series drag!"

"Listen kid, I am not just gonna change you back because you feel 'uncomfortable' if you really do want go back, it'll be a high price! But, do you want to go back? You're own sister doesn't want you to change back. She even told you so!

"How do you know that?"

"Oh please kid! I have eyes all over this stupid town."

"What do you want? What do I have to do for you."

"The rift.."


"The rift, the only thing separating our worlds, if you give me it I will turn you back into a guy and I won't hurt your family, you have till sundown. Don't be late!"

How could she make a choice? The destruction of the planet but her family would be safe and she would be normal again. Or stay as a girl the rest of his life and allow Bill to mess with his family as much as he wanted.

But.... the choice would have to be made by sunset, and here was no avoiding that...

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