4.7K 262 77

I'm almost there y'all!😩 I never ever seen myself reaching 1K. I might drop something or do a giveaway I'm not sure.

Yea I'm bringing YouTube shit to Wattpad! I have to be thankful because it all wouldn't be possible without y'all!

"Back in the van inmate." They we're taking Kira back to jail. I though because of her disabilities they would keep her in a hospital probably, but I guess it wasn't that severe and she was well aware that it was wrong.

"I'm sorry Wynter. I really am.." They closed the doors of the van and me and my family watched as they drove off.

It's been a week since the funeral.

That night, Kira's mom was shot. The officer was going to shoot Kira but he seen her mom running towards him and shot her instead.

A bullet hitting an artery and one in her stomach.

I felt the pain but not the pain Kira felt or feels at this very moment. She lost both parents and now she's in prison doing 9 years.


My dad forgave me about talking to ole dude. The police let me off for not being in the right state of mind. That's also why Kira got some time off too and she Serving 9 instead of 15.

I don't know if that sounds right but that's what they said. So I'm not tripping, but all this shit is mad crazy.

I got on stronger medicine and so I'm not in that childish like mindset very often like I was and if I am it doesn't last long.

Maybe I'll visit Kira soon but that's if my family will let me. We all went back inside and got ready for tonight. It's New Years Eve and I can just forget even trying to get together with someone.

"You alright?" My mother rubbed my back as we walked into the house. I nodded and gave her a warm smile that she returned.

"I'll be fine.." I said. She kissed my forehead and walked into the kitchen.

I went into my room and flopped on my bed sighing. "What am I doing with my life?" I asked myself. I got up and went to the restroom and took a shower. I didn't want to stay in there long because soon enough my grandmother and some family will be here to start cooking.

Once I got out I got dressed and sat on my bed contemplating on going downstairs or staying up here until my cousins come up and play the game with me.

"I'll stay up here.." I got up and turned my ps4 on playing 2k18.

Soon enough I started hearing people start to arrive downstairs.

"Where's Wynter?" I heard everytime new people entered. Footsteps began running up the stairs stopping at my door.

It opened my older cousin Reina and my little cousin BJ came running over to me.

"Wynnie!" BJ yelled. I got up and we had a hugged.

"Hey nigga," Reina dapped me up. "Wassup," I laughed.

"Where's aunt Carol?" That's their mom. She's the best aunt on this planet.

"Downstairs talking." Reina applied. She's 18 and we're really close but they moved to Beverly Hills because their dad just signed a new contract with the L.A Rams. I found it pretty cool but I'm jealous as fuck.

"How's life in the Hills?" I asked laughing.

"Man you have to come out! I swear it's the best thing ever. Our house is Big as f-!"

"Benjamin!" Reina gave him a death glare.

"Sorry.." He put his down.

"Anyway, Yea man you have to come out there some time so you can see for yourself." She smiled. I feel mad salty that they have a super great ass life out there.

Yea we got a nice house but things sounds totally better out there in Beverly Hills. California period. I've always wanted to live out there.

"Maybe I can.." I thought. "Mom has been looking for a new house and a job.

"Yea, the job demand for nursing is high out there. My mom is probably telling her about it now and before you know it y'all will be out there with us. Hell our house Big enough for y'all to live with us." We all laughed.

"Shit I can see it now." I said. We played the game and it was about 11 when we went down stairs. I greeted all my family and laughed as we played games and had a lot of fun.

We turned on the news and waited until it was time for countdown.

"Alright everyone!" My mother took control of the room. "This is the last of 2017 and we all have came so far. We'll count down and welcome the new year with new resolutions." My mom smiled.

Seeing my family happy was the best thing for me. I'm grateful for my family. Especially since I have my family and Kira just lost hers and she's spending this occasion in a jail cell.

Everyone got a little party noisemaker and anything to make the occasion loud. "It's time!" My auntie yelled everyone began counting from 10.

"10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! Happy New Year!" Everyone yelled and made as much noise as possible.

My aunts and their husbands shared kisses.


My mom and dad kissed.


My grandma and grandpa.


My mom and dad's friends.

Awwe... but Eww.

I wish I had Kira here. She didn't deserve to lose her family like that but God bless her soul.

My mom stood back in front of all of the family and got everyone to quiet down.

"Happy New Years to all of my family. Let's thank God for bringing us all into the New Year unscathed and unharmed. We're all here together and me and Winston would love to share some news with our Daughter and all of you.

"Wynter why don't you open this?" My dad brought a gift from on top of the fire place.

"Oooh yes! Is it something for me?" Everyone laughed. I was deadass serious. I did get air of stuff for Christmas but what's one more right?

I opened it and was shocked to see that it was a blue onesie.

You have got to be shitting me. Every single person in this room lost it and went into a complete uproar of cheers.

I was still shocked.

"And you weren't going to tell me?! You don't even look preggers mother!" I yelled. They laughed and I cried.

Great. Another baby.


I hope you guys were safe out and enjoyed the new year and ate some damn Black eyed Peas!

I hate them but I had too😔

Be safe and be a new you for 2018. Leave all that other bullshit back and do you.

It's #allme2018

Set trends.
Be innovative.
Be creative.
Open doors.
Be you.

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