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I woke up and of course I'm still at the party. I look over and Reina is gone. It was still a few people here not many though. I looked at my phone and it was almost 2 in the morning.

"Shit.." I mumbled. I got up and went looking for Reina. I turned a corner entering the hallway and there were 3 doors. The first one was my jackpot luckily. I opened the door and there she was. asleep and naked with those same two bitches she been with this whole time. I shook my head walking towards the bed. This really doesn't make any sense.

I tapped her hard as shit, "Get yo dumb ass up Reina!" I threw the other girls leg from around her neck. Shit looked like it got fucking crazy. She moved and started groaning, "Bitch chill out.. I did yo hoe ass a favor and ate you out," She said turning over.

I slapped my face dragging my hand down. I grabbed both of her hands and yanked her ass up, "What the fu- oh shit. Wynter.." She looked around and started smiling. "Damn this was the best party ever."

"It's 2 am and we need to get back. In the morning you also need to get checked out for any STD's you hoe." I said throwing her clothes at her face. "Hurry the fuck up. I'm going to the car," I said grabbing the keys.

"Lil nigga I brought you. Watch who the fuck you talking to." She scratched her ass as she walked into the bathroom.

I walked out in disgust and went towards the living room. The people who were still here were pretty much smoking, drinking, and chilling on the furniture and stuff. I just so happen to also see Sativa and her girlfriend sitting on her lap being all mushy together. I'm geeking. I don't think anyone would leave a girl that beautiful even if she was crazy.

Well I would leave the bitch cause she not ending my life or fucking up my shit.

I was starring from too long and ended up catching her attention while her girlfriend was kissing on her neck. I looked away quickly and left out the house. I walked all the way to the car, started it, and wait on Ronchy Reina to come from out the house.

I don't know where ronchy come from just know I say it.

About 10-15 minutes pass and she appears coming near the car. She gets in and starts talking about shit that went down. Not that I was listening, I was just ready to go home.

"Hellooo.." "-huh?"

"okay so you weren't listening.. It's cool. Here go in and get some sleep. I'll call you tomorrow." She pulled in the back and I got out. She pulled off after that. I walked up to my door and tried sliding it open, but it was locked. "What the fu- yoo do not tell me it's locked." I started to grow frustrated. One of my parents must have got up and noticed it was unlocked.

"Just call Reina.." I said to myself. I got out my phone and pressed my home button but it didn't come on. "What the hell," I pressed the power button and it still didn't come on. "It better not be fucking dead," I groaned. I kept pressing it and ta dim little white battery with red flashing came on. "Fuck!" I whisper yelled.

I'm stuck outside and my phone is dead. I would try the front door but  if they locked this door then they most likely made sure the alarm was on.

I sat down on my back porch in a chair that you can down in. "Fuck it." I turned over and went to sleep.

I woke up and it was sunny as day. I sat up yawning and going around to the front. They were gone and they left the door unlocked. I went upstairs and started taking my clothes off when I noticed a piece of paper on my bed. I knitted my eyebrows and picked up the paper.

"Wynter, nice sleep on the porch? Try me again in a month when I lift your ban from leaving the house :) -Mom"

Wow so she knew I snuck out... and I'm grounded for a month. "fucking great," I balled the paper up and threw it on the floor.

I finished stripping and turned on my music as I showered. I spent at least a good hour in there. I can't, for some odd reason, ever take short showers. I could be a whole mermaid. I think mermaids are cool, but not Ariel. I never liked Ariel for some reason.

I got out and put some fresh clothes on. It was around eleven in the morning and I didn't plan on doing shit today it's Sunday. That week that I technically almost had my father locked up was the last week of school. It's summer but it doesn't feel like it just yet.

I went down stairs and into the kitchen looking for food. My fat ass can sit and eat food and not gain shit.

"Oh shit my medicine." I thought. I didn't take it when I woke up and I didn't want to be in that state again.

While I heated my food I went upstairs to my medicine cabinet and took whatever was needed to be taken. I came back downstairs getting my food and going into the living room to eat.

I was watching TV when I remembered ole girl from last night. What was her name? Sammy..Saniya..Serina "Sativa.." I smiled to myself. I thought about texting her. Maybe I should I'm pretty bored.

I sat my food down and jogged to my room. I looked through my dirty clothes from last night. "Wait she didn't give it to me..." Oh that bitch played the fuck out of me. She didn't hand me nothing or write shit down. She just went back into the house.

"Fuck her stiff weave ass.. bitch probably got a cough drop looking ass pony tail of hair on her head." I went back down stairs and finished my food feeling upset.


So this chapter is really just a filler. I missed y'all no bull****

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