You open me up
Take me out of the box
Plug me in
And start pushing my buttons.
I am a slow computer.
I am bad at processing
Not user friendly
And I usually make no sense.
But I treat you as my god
Because you granted me life
You gave me the ability to feel again
But you did not read the
warning labels
I am fragile.
Not fragile like a flower, though.
Fragile like a land mine
Like a land mine you stepped on as soon as you kissed me
I am Fragile like a hand grenade.
A hand grenade you hold by my pin.
My hand
Any wrong move will shatter me.
But there is one thing you can do
Unplug me
Leave me to shut down
Then if you log back in I will probably...Like a balloon I'll burst
But quieter
And instead of exploding and hurting others
I implode
You usually won't know anything has happened until I change.
But by then it's too late
So you be careful with me
Because I am easily breakable
Set off