Renegade (Marvel/ Captain America)

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A quick disclaimer: I don't own any if the Marvel characters that come into play in this story. I do, however, own Tatum, HOPE Industries, and whatever else I create. If you guys like it, I'll keep it going.


HOPE Industries. Known around the world for their do-gooding in the science and health fields. Every person, from the U.S. to China has heard of them, or bought one of their "miracle" products. But I know the truth. I know what they've done, the lies that they have covered up with cheesy catch-phrases and catchy jingles. They're monsters, wolves in sheeps' clothing.

The leaders of HOPE have slowly and carefully wormed their way into high-ranking government positions. We now rely heavily on the organization that seems so warm and family-friendly. But, in reality, they are ruthless killers, the reason I'm now a fugitive. After we learned the truth, HOPE did the only thing they could: they took us out. I am the only one on my team that has survived, and guess who has been blamed for their deaths? I was once an honorable CIA agent, highly respected by my peers. Now my name is dirt, because of those sneaky bastards.

I walk down the still-busy streets of New York City, the sky is dark and the air cold. Wiping blood off my face, I survey my suttoundings carefully. I managed to get away from HOPE's attack, but not unscathed. It's going to take a lot more than a cut to stop me, though. I already know that HOPE has informed the world that I'm a murderer, I can see the news reporters talking about it on the huge screnes that line the streets. My picture appears on the monitors, my long blond hair and hard gray eyes making me stick out. The reporters tell all of the U.S. how much of a disgrace I am, a monster. That word echoes through me mind. Monster. I chuckle to myself. How ironic. I pull my hood up to cover my face. Was it really only an hour ago that me and the guys were going into HOPE headquarters to check things out? It seems like a lifetime ago.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and don't hesitate to answer it, already knowing who it is. No one else would have my cell number.

"Black, where are you?" I hear General Marks' gruff voice demand from the other end. When I don't answer, he goes on.

"Listen, just give yourself up-"

"Are you kidding me?! You don't really think I did it, do you? You're the one that sent me in!" I snap angrily. This can't be happening. I was hoping to have at least my boss on my side. I've been working for him since I graduated Highschool six years ago. And I have been nothing but loyal to the CIA.

Marks sighs, and I can tell he's prepping himself for an argument.

"Tatum, they've got everyone out there looking for you. We're talking police, SHIELD, even the rest of us. This doesn't have to get any uglier, just surrender-"

That's when I hang up. I've heard enough. I'm on my own. It's up to me to clear my name.

Knowing that they're going to track my phone, I slip it into some lady's purse as I walk by. She climbs into a cab heading the opposite direction I'm going. It will buy me time, but I need to keep moving. Marks wasn't lying when he said people would be coming after me.

Fortunately, I have prepared for this kind of situation. I've gone undercover before, I can do it again. They'll be tapping every camera for any trace of me, which is why I'll need to change my appearance so I won't be so easily found.

I step into a public restroom, the heavy door swinging shut behind me. Quickly checking that all the stalls are empty, I lock the door. I pull out my knife and begin to go to work on my hair. Blond locks fall onto the counter as I cut them off. When I finish, my hair is much shorter than it was, coming to my jaw line. I dig through my backpack until I find my pair of colored contacts. I put them in quickly, blinking as I adapt to the foreign feeling. I look into the dirty, cracked mirror and see brown eyes staring back at me. A complete stranger. My clothes will have to go as well. They're the ones that I was wearing on the mission. I change into jeans and a black hoody, but keep my combat boots. Slipping my pistol into the waistband of my pants, I release a sigh and take in my new appearance. This will be me from now on. I shake my head to clear it and dispose of everything. Slipping out of the bathroom, Icontinue to walk down the street. Hopefully that will keep them off my trail for a little while, but I don't dare to get my hopes up.

I set my jaw and walk with a purpose. HOPE has taken everything from me. They've killed my friends and made me some heinous criminal. I don't know where to go, nowhere is safe. I'll just have to try to outrun those that are tracking me. I've played this game on the other side. Staying ahead of them won't be easy.

My whole world has been twisted around, to the point I barely recognize it. Only one thing is solid: I'm taking HOPE down, if it's the last thing I do. And it probably will be.


So, what do you think? Is it worth continuing? Let me know :)


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