Chapter 4: Complicated

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Tatum's pov:

The ride to Boston goes without incident, which is what I find the most disturbing. I've been expecting some of HOPE's agents to show up any minute, with guns blazing.  But as I ride down the highway, there's nothing. No police cars that pull me over or helicopters with machine guns. I'm slightly disappointed.  I thought HOPE would have offered me more of a challenge. But I can't get too cocky yet.  Not until they're singing the Jailhouse Blues.

I finally arrive in Boston, riding my bike acrossed the bridge. It's a beautiful city that attracts tourists like crazy. That's why HOPE chose to set up a base here. More markets and demand for products.  This is what I'm dealing with. A company with owners that have thought everything out in great detail. They know exactly how to go about things and get what they want.

I ride past the New England Aquarium and Quincy Market, searching for the address I looked up earlier. Once I pass the HOPE facility, I drive three blocks away. I park my motorcycle and take off my helmet. I have a plan. There's a concealed entrance at the back of the facility that I'll go in. From there I can figure things out.

Walking down the street, my hands are in my pockets. I appear to anyone else to be in deep thought. In reality, I'm watching and listening to everything that's going around me, looking for information or any sign of a threat. I'm careful not to go too fast, or it may draw suspicion. 

I eventually approach the facility and walk into the coffeeshop across the street from it.  I order a coffee and sit down at a table. My fingers began to move across the keys of the laptop as I get to work. I'm hacking into HOPE's security system. It takes a bit, but I finally decide the password. And here we go. I take over the cameras and put them on a continuous loop in order to make my sure my entrance will go unnoticed. Once I'm finished, I pay for my coffee and leave.

Checking to see that the coast is clear, I make my way towards the hidden entrance. It almost completely blends in with the white exterior of the building and not many people would even be able to spot it. But that's where being a hacker comes in handy.

Using my... abilities, I'm able to get in easily. I have to duck down to get through the narrow, low-ceilinged passage. There's very little light and the walls are all metal. Once I reach the end, white, brightly-lit hallways head in every direction. I run through the map I recently looked at in my head and check to see that there's no one coming. I slip out into a main corridor, moving quickly in order to not be spotted.  Hiding in an alcove, I press my back against the wall.  Agents in black uniforms carrying guns and scientists in white labcoats walk by my hiding spot.  Once an agent walks by alone, I act quickly. I knock him unconscious and drag him into the room behind me, a closet.

Once I'm in the HOPE uniform, I take the guy's hat off his head and pull it onto my own, so that I will be a bit harder to recognize. I make sure that I have his pass-card and walk out into the hallway again. My expression is neutral and I walk with a purpose, like I'm fulfilling orders. I can now freely carry my pistol, as the others agents are packing heat as well. 

I arrive at the room I'm looking for, using the agent's pass to get in. I stride into the room as if I have authority to be there. Around the room, filing-cabinets line the walls. There's a computer set up on a single desk at the front. Unfortunately, there are three people in the room. Two labcoats and an agent. No problem. I casually walk up to the first scientist.

"Hey! Do you have clearance to be in here?" he demands. I smile and nod, holding out my badge for him to see. Once he gets closer, a slam my fist into his jaw. Instant knockout. The other labcoat starts shouting and the agent raises his gun. I get out of the way in time to avoid a bullet and kick the gun out of the guy's hand. I bring down my foot into his knee cap, hearing a crunch. The agent screams in pain and his leg buckles beneath him. I then slam his head off a filing-cabinet nearby and he's down. The remaining scientist stares at me wide-eyed and reaches for his communicator. I sprint forward and grab his arm, flipping him. A quick punch and it's lights-out for him.

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