Tystianlor: Gambit

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As the red dust of Shadowmoon Valley settles, the warlock uncovered the veil from his face, releasing his pointy knife-like ears, and his long, silky black hair.

"Ahh the sandstorm of Shadowmoon Valley, how quaint." Tystianlor talked to himself while rubbing his soulstone on his palm, caressing it between his fingers like a plaything of his.

The kaldorei demon hunter that he found in the cave with his soulstone was shackled with a fel-tainted chain that Tystianlor summonned from the Nether. The demon hunter which looks like a demon at first struggled to be released from the enchanted chains yet to no avail. Tystianlor had summoned a strong chain that could weaken any demon that he encountered. He is a warlock that summon and control demons after all. He purposely enchant the shackles to tighten each time the demon hunter tried to speak. The warlock smiled at that thought.

"We can move now demon... The storm had settled." Tystianlor told the demon-elf.

Then he noticed that the demon have slowly transforming back into a night elf, a kaldorei. Albeit, a peculiar one with horns and hoofs and hardened skins on his chest. Kaldorei are the distant kin of the sin'dorei, the blood elves like himself. The kaldorei embrace a nocturnal nature of life and embrace the nature after they had exiled their kin to another continent, the sin'dorei. The noble blood elves take magic as their life blood, practicing the arcane arts which were shunned by the night elves. They turned to the Sunwell as their source of power slowly became losing their purple, blue, and green skins and hairs to pale and tan and blond. Kin these people were, yet distant they are. Many of the sin'dorei died during their exile before they found their city and their lands of Quel'thalas, and no help was given to them, the night elves just won't leave their trees and their slumber in peace. Ten thousand years have passed and the night elves have joined the Alliance with the traitorous humans that betrayed the sin'dorei in their hour of desperation, and now, the blood elves have joined the Horde - the rival faction of the Alliance.

Tystianlor hated the night elves.

The whimpering night elf was bleeding on his purple skin, and have long messy green hair. His pantaloons is all but torn apart with a small patch here and there covering his privates.

"I could have sworn that you were a demon before."

The lanky night elf looked at the blood elf and spat. "Fool. Release me from these shackles or you will fear my wrath!" The demon-elf threatened.

Tystianlor walked towards the night elf and inspected his face. "So this horned elf speaks." He grabbed the demon by its horn mockingly.

"Release me! Or I will become the demon you saw before and end you!" He screamed.

Before the night elf open his mouth for another word, Tystianlor have enchanted a sash of cloth that wrapped itself around the kaldorei's mouth.

"I need you to be silence Alliance dog. We will wait for the sandstorm to pass. And I will bring you to the captain. She will know what to do with you." Tystianlor put on his veil back and went to the mouth of the cave. He could not trust another Alliance member after what had happened to him many times ago.

As the night elf struggled to speak, something ominous glittered from the his pantaloons. "Hmm, curious," Tystianlor inspected the demon hunter's pocket. He pulled a small weathered parchment that was written in demonic. Only his other demon could read this tome. He looked at his imp, Istanuk and started to cast a summoning spell, calling upon an observer that had taken a blood oath to serve him. Then, a small, dark portal from the Nether was opened and dark hands came out from it and pulled Istanuk into it. As the dark portal closed, an observer, a more intelligent demon came out.

"Why did you call?" The observer, with three eyes on its forehead, small, numerous, and sharp teeth, and tentacles from its necks onwards with no bodice, hovered over the dark damp cave. Its dark lilac skin glistened in the darkness and its deep green eyes highlights its peculiarity. Green slime seems to seep from its mouth and on its forehead indicating the fel energy that the demon is using.

"Ahh Jhaalum, my intelligent friend. I need you to read this tome that I found from this demon hunter. I know you demons despise their kind."

Jhaalum grumbled, "I will translate and I'll be away. I was having a feast if you must know."

"Well go on."

"This is the Tome of Dreadful Summoning. It describes a summoning of a powerful Dread Lord."

"The name? What is the name of this Dread Lord?"

Tystianlor shaken with happiness, he had always wanted to summon and bind a Dread Lord under his command. Dread Lords are powerful demons, ranking to the level of commander and the likes in the ranks of the Burning Legion. As warlock, he would benefit much from having the power to summon the Dread Lord. Yet to summon a demon would take an immense power and sometimes sacrifices. That does not consider the controlling and binding the demon to your will.

"Name... I could not give the name to you master." Jhaalum gave a sympathetic look to his master.

"What's with that look Jhaalum? I demand you tell me its name." Knowing the name would ease the summoning and the controlling. Knowing the name would mean connecting with the soul of the demon in binding their essence from the Nether to the warlock's soul. It would ease the process, yet may harm the mind of those who knew.

"All I can say is master, you have vengeance on this one." The observer said before disappearing itself into the Nether Portal and replacing itself with the imp, Istanuk again.

Vengeance? Could it be...

Tystianlor bounced his soulstone and kept it back in his pouch. His eyes set on the north, where Dragonmaw Fortress lies, where his Horde party awaiting his return, and where the she-wolf captain conquered.

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