Durotha: The Prey

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The Huntress snarled in disgust at the first sight of the stray night elf. The horned night elf was laying down on a bed with his wounds treated and bandaged by the Forsaken priest.

"How dare you Durotha!" She observed the horns and the tattered cloth on the elf's eyes.

"What is it Amaya? He is clearly a night elf, one of your own." The Captain appeared to be confused.

"He's a demon hunter. One of Illidan's ilk. We've captured dozens of them at the apex of Black Temple after the battle concluded."

"Demon hunter? I've only heard rumours..."

The demon hunter interrupted, "My brothers and sisters. They still live?" He tried to raise his head and asked with a raspy voice.

"Silence demon hunter." The strong Earthshaker guarding the priest and his patient commanded. He used his spear to block the demon hunter from getting out of the cot.

"Captain Durotha. We must send this demon to the Wardens. Maiev will know what to do with these lots," commanded the Huntress.

"No! You must not!" Pleaded the demon hunter. "We are the only ones strong enough to defeat the Burning Legion. The Wardens will only undo our progress!"

"How dare you!" Captain Amaya holds her glaives with wrath. "You are the Burning Legion. Lest the kaldorei people forget the corruptions your Illidan made on our lands. Your ilks destroyed our home. You and your fel-crazed Master ensure of that."

Amaya paused and sniffles, "Your Lord corrupted my home. I will never forget that. How the verdant northern Ashenvale have been corrupted into fel-infused woods, killing and corrupting the wildlife in the forest until the denizens there have to back off from the forest. Your Master corrupted my home and turned it into Felwood. The forest rots and fester like a bleeding wound from Ashenvale to Hyjal."

"Northern Ashenvale you said? It... it is now Felwood?" The demon hunter shuddered on his bed and pulled his thin blanket from his cot covering his body. He sobbed a soft growl from under.

"Filth like you deserves only to die!" The Huntress screamed and charge at the prisoner. In a short moment, the Huntress meld under the shadows of the moon, incapacitate the Earthshaker, and appear back under the moonlight with the prisoner under her control. With his neck in the mercy of her glaives.

"Huntress, the demon hunter is still a prisoner of the Horde faction. We can only return him to the Alliance through your Commander or other higher ranking officer." Captain Durotha commanded calmly.

"We care not for your rule Durotha. Not while these traitorous ilks linger around our presence. Not while I still draw breath. These Illidari must die!" The Huntress growled at her old friend.

"Then by the law of the Orcish clans, by the law of the Horde army, you are now our prisoner of war," Durotha raised her right hand and her guards of orcs and trolls came rushing from outside and tried to capture the elusive Huntress.

The Huntress was quick, and nimble on her feet. She grabbed the prisoner by one hand while deflecting the axe swings from the orcs on the and the trolls. Then, she and the prisoner disappeared with the shadows and injured the guards' legs, effectively incapicating them.

She's a strong disciple of the Moon Goddess and stronger under her moonlight.

Using her keen senses, Durotha took a small axe from her side pouch and aimed for the nearest window. Once her eyes saw a drop of blood fall from nothingness near the window, she threw the axe and it caught Amaya's left shoulder.

"Amaya my old friend, please consider what you are about to do. Your act will only justify the Horde to go for war on the Alliance." Durotha pleaded.

"I know you Durotha. We were more than friends during the Third War. Your late father have sacrificed much to see you and the Horde to live in peace for his honourable act in the Third War. And I know you will want to keep the hard-fought peace as well. So you will not capture me. For my vengeance to these Illidari is greater than your desire for peace. You will report no prisoner to your commander and I will not report your aggression on the member of the Alliance." Huntress Amaya glanced at her left shoulder.

Durotha took a step back and hesitated. Father, what would you do?

Then, the room suddenly went dark. A gust of wind swept across and extinguished all the burning candles and braziers. Bright purple light fill the room and focussed on the Huntress. The malicious light then become a beam and accompanied by a loud, shrill, shriek before the scream quickly become but a melodious whisper. Then the purple ray become soft and flows like a stream a river and clouds to the door of the room.

"I've told you Durotha. Do not trust the Alliance." The raspy-voiced warlock absorbed the purple light from his left palm and the extinguished candles and braziers lit again.

"What did you do Tystianlor?" The Captain questioned her subordinate.

"What you were supposed to do, Captain," the blood elf replied.

"Her forces will come to us, you know that?"

"Let them come, this fortress is strong, its defenses are impenetrable."

"Do you realise that you have give a reason for the Alliance to go to war against us?"

"Oh, I intend to."

The demon hunter growled in pain. Stitches on his wounds were open. Blood gushed out of his chest and ribs. Durotha walked over to the prisoner and took her axe from the husk of the Huntress. Her once beautiful, plump, and strong body were once a sight to behold, and now it is rotten, with veins throbbing here and burst out there.

Durotha closed her dead friend's eyes with whatever left of her eyelid and kissed her pale, gaunt cheeks. "Huntress Amaya was an excellent warrior, her skills was enviable to the Horde and the Alliance alike. She was ruthless in her goal. And now she's dead.

Durotha examined her dead friend and then the night elf prisoner.

"All of this, for this... this demon hunter," she spat on the floor.

She looked at Tystianlor and asked, "Do you know the punishment for your crime, blood elf?"

With a smirk, the warlock nodded. "Punish me for justice if you must."

"It is decided then. Guards, take the warlock to the dungeons below. And return this demon hunter to the cot and heal him, lest he too die." Durotha could not afford to answer for another Alliance head under her watch.

Earthshaker and the guards who were incapicated and injured were treated by Mordent, with attention given to the night elf. Tystianlor were brought by the guards and Durotha was left with Amaya.

"We need to return her body to the Alliance. It is the honorable thing to do Captain." The Earthshaker commented.

"Yet that will invoke war. You know how distrustful they are right."

Durotha noticed the ash left by the body. Through the markings, its looks like the spell Tystianlor chanted was directly controlled to target Amaya.

Yet he was the one that wants the demon hunter's blood since.

"Take her body for Mordent to process, we have to preserve the body so the Alliance can see her death was not ours. She was a prominent hunter in her life, returning her will show a good gesture to them." She commanded to the tauren.

As the Earthshaker tried to carry Amaya onto, her body crumbled onto dust.

Then, a warhorn was heard at a distant. A huge blast destroyed the door of the infirmary, as a guard rushed in.

"The fel orcs! They are taking back their fortress!"

Then, all eyes were on the demon hunter.

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