Archives - The Story That Never Was

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Author's Note: These are all cut story from this original part. At first I planned for the trio; Vandel, Durotha, and Tystianlor to travel to Shattrath and discover themselves along the way - how war has shaped and scarred them - and how untrustworthy of them to one another before they have to learn to work together. There were a lot of backstories too about how the main characters got their power and weapon. There were also be some side stories about a jealous wife that orchestrated kidnappings of his husband. This was all originally planned to climax at Shattrath City. But I felt that it has become too big and far too ambitious and this is my first work here on Wattpad. And I feel like if I dream smaller it would be easier for me if the story would not really go through at that time. But now looking back I wish I would have expanded more and let people become more acquainted with the characters. So here I am releasing this hidden chapter - the story that never was.


Nature does not accept fel. He decided. His people, the night elf, the Kaldorei would never accept me. Kaldorei have been attuned with nature since the first druid, Shando Malfurion Stormrage was trained by the great forest demigod, Cenarius to defeat the Burning Legion in their first invasion, overthrow the beloved, demonic-aligned, her radiance of Queen Azshara 10000 years ago. Nature have been the Kaldorei's greatest weapon against the unrelenting hordes of demons 10000 years ago and yet nature is now being desecrated in the name of defeating the Burning Legion.

They would most likely think that I am a demon, one of the Legion.

How can he not be. His skin is scaly instead of flesh, his eye sockets are all but empty after he ripped it out with his own hands in the ritual. He can feel demonic horns on his forehead protruding in a ram horn-like shape. His scaly skin were scraped bloody by himself that he was tattooed by Broken just to keep his skin intact. His soul keeps on yearning to devour more demons after his first bite of the felhound's heart. The rituals he took, the sacrifices he made all the become a demon hunter. He missed his long, bright green hair. Green like the leaves of the great tree of Ashenvale where he had once lived with his family instead of this wiry, tainted, white hair that he have now. He missed his supple purplish skin of the Kaldorei. And most importantly, he missed his family. The thought of his family makes he feel the anger resides within him. Anger strengthen his resolve. He remembered how his family was butchered by the Burning Legion in the Third War in Ashenvale. He remembered how his wife and son was devoured in front of him while his house is burning brightly in the colour of green. Green like the colour of his wife's beautiful hair, green like the colour of fel. He remembered how he killed the felhound with but a simple knife, the satisfaction and the blood rush within him. Blood and vengeance. He cursed the day when he was bound on the path of vengenace while watching his nature loving wife and son, Khariel lie dead, their face unrecognizable, their bodies exhumed, their hair, green.

I yearn to go home.

He remembered that day, always. The day that he sworn to do whatever it takes to defeat the Burning Legion. The day that he sworn to sacrifice everything to ensure the destruction of the Legion. Be as it may the trust and companionship of his people, the Kaldorei, his faction, the Alliance. Let him be the sword in the darkness that save his people that would only curse instead of bless him. He had accepted that.

The demon hunter thought about the lives that he had saved months ago at the Dark Portal when the Alliance and the Horde tried to breach into Outland from Azeroth through the portal. The Azerothian forces were almost overtaken by a surprise flank by a demon. If not for him and his Illidari brethren, the Alliance and the Horde might not even been able to form a forward base in this cursed land. They would be slaughtered mercilessly by the hordes of demon army. Now, both of them have established a stronghold in the Peninsula, Honor Hold and Thrall'mar. And they had crushed all of the Illidari's effort to control Outland against the Burning Legion.

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