(II) House Fire

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When safety is low and fire is burning,

Sleeps a young girl, twisting and turning.

With smoke in her nose she wakes up with dread.

Only to find her young parents dead.

With a thumping heart she tries to run out,

In her mind, endless doubt.

Tears down her face, her hands bleeding.

Shouts of pain and endless pleading.

Three lives were gone by the end of that night.

Police wouldn't rest without a fight.

Was it accident or murder? We'll never know.

By the end of the night the fire was low.

All is lost, it seemed to say.

But then,

Out of no where,

Came the sun Ray.

This was a poem that I wrote down last year. I lost the sheet of paper for it, but I've seemed to remember it fairly well. I only had to improvise a few parts, but that's ok. Thank you, there's more to come!

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