(III) Human Fear~ PART ONE

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This is fairly long, so I'm going to split it into different parts. Each paragraph is a different fear, and I'll have it named up the top. Enjoy!

Slowly consistently, rain falls down.
It covers my ears and I can't hear a sound.
Slowly consistently, rain falls down.
It blocks my breathing, I'm afraid I might drown.

-Being Bullied-
They call me an outcast, they call me a liar.
They disguise the truth, I feel my heart on fire.
I feel alone when I cry in my sleep.
They laugh and smirk as they watch me weep.

-Physical Contact-
Blood, ruby red, trickles down my skin.
His fist to my face has committed a sin.
The tears begin, smashing to the ground,
No one comes when I scream out loud.

Darkness comes each way I look.
Blood and death, a nasty crook.
He weeps at my grave as they close my eyes.
And they fell for it- they fell for his lies.

Black surrounds me, keeping me in.
It consumes me, shreds me, the darkness wins.
I can't see it, but I still fear it. It kills me over again.
It's keeping me trapped in a sightless den.

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