Chapter 1 - Beginning of the End

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Lucy's P.O.V.

I hate summer, it's the worst time of the year. Especially during droughts, and because of global warming they are becoming far too frequent.

It's far too hot.
I love winter on the other hand, even if it does make my asthma extremely bad, till it gets to the point where I can't breathe at all.
In winter, if you're cold just put more layers on and grab a hot chocolate, it's cosy, get a blanket, wrap it around you, become snug, and watch a movie, and there are pretty lights everywhere, and fireworks that light up the night sky with an array of beautiful colours.
But what do you have in summer? Bugs that swarm around you, sweat, greasy hair, clothes sticking to you, hay fever. Don't forget how smells seem to travel further, and you begin to wish that you hadn't left that yogurt pot out because it now smells putrid, like everything else in summer.

I mean who have you ever heard say, "l love dehydration, oooo wasp stings are my favourite." No one that's who. What are you supposed to do when it gets too hot? Rip your skin off!? I don't think so!

If there wasn't global warming droughts like this wouldn't happen that often, they shouldn't even happen in the northeast of England, it  rains too much. People are so stupid by polluting the water, land and air. They are destroying the earth. Killing it, and when it dies it'll take us with it. You'd think we'd keep our side off the bargain up, yes we'll keep you healthy and in return let us live.

They will regret it one day when there is no clean water or farmland, or when all the animals are dead and there is acid falling from the sky. There will be no air to breathe and the earth will be full of nuclear waste. But of course, they will only regret it when it's too late to reverse the damage.

It will be a wasteland.
An endless void of lifeless earth and grey sky's.
No sound of birds in trees.
No beautiful sunsets.
No beautiful forests.
No beautiful landscapes.
No nothing.
There'll be nothing

Then that's when the world will end.

We will either be boiled alive from our sins or we will be wiped out by a plague because scientists are letting all the viruses and bacteria become resistant to everything.

Sorry to break it to you but the world will end because of humanity. But hopefully, I won't be around to witness it.

But maybe that's what we need. A worldwide extinction of the human race.
Then the earth could recover, and it won't have to pay for our mistakes anymore.
Animals could thrive.
Forests and plants could thrive.
The sea would become clear and sea life would no longer be threatened.
The creatures hunted to near extinction could recover.
And of course, for a while at least, our old homes could be used by them, as their homes.
Another habitat.
A new ecosystem.

I snapped out of my doomsday daydream after I heard someone throwing glass into the dustbins outside.
Idiots, why can't they learn to recycle!?

The sun came beating through the gap in the curtains with heat like fire and landed on my face, it began to burn me and I shielded my eyes with my hands as I opened them to look about. The room was stifling, I wasn't expecting it to be so hot. I live in a rather large old stone house, it's very rare that it gets hot, it's usually cold, even in summer. The sun just can't fill up so many vast rooms. I can't bear the thought of how hot it is outside.

My throat itched with dryness and I knew that I had to get some water.
I peeled my skin off the leather couch that it had fused to with dry sweat. It made me smell quite unpleasant, but I was so uncomfortable that I didn't even notice.

I slowly tottered to the kitchen, my head was spinning and I felt weak. I turned the tap on but nothing came out. I looked on the shelf, but there was nothing to drink. Every tap in the house was dry. I began to get stressed, I hurt all over and I was so uncomfortable, I just wanted to scream at someone.
I made do with punching the door frame, which sent an excruciating pain up my hand.
I looked in the cupboard under the sink and looked at the disinfectants.
Not worth it.

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