thirty- four

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Cameron's pov:

Today is the day we are going to shop for dresses and suits for the wedding that is in a week. "Baby are you ready?" I yelled through the apartment. I walked my way to the bathroom were Liz was doing her make-up. I stood against the opening of the door staring at her focusing on her eye liner. "It just won't look good!" She groaned holding her arms up in frustration. "You look good without that" I smiled at her. "Shut up, Its not funny" She rolled her eyes annoyed and looked down. "I am serious babygirl" I wrapped my arms around her tiny waist. I grabbed a make-up wipe and wiped away her access eyeliner. "Thank you" she smiled while I kissed her forehead. "Your beautiful in anyway, never forget that gorgeous." I said and winked at her. "Hurry up baby, I don't wanna be late" I slapped her ass playfully before leaving the bathroom. "Cam!" She groaned making me laugh. After about 15 minutes we were finally ready to leave. We drove for about a hour when we arrived at this shop were Addison and Jason were waiting for everyone. Everyone arrived so we decided to enter the shop. "Hello everyone, Welcome! Who is the beautiful bride here?" A young woman asked us while Addison raised her hand.

Elizabeth's pov:

We went this big room filled with beautiful dresses. The guys all went to a other shop to look for new suits for the wedding. Addison already has a wedding dress. We were looking now for the dresses for the bridesmaids. Addison let everyone look for a dress that they liked, but it had to be a long dress with a pastel pink color and Addison had to like it too. We started to walk around while some of the woman who worked there gave us advice and helped us a lot. "May I help you?" One of the woman walked up to me with a sweet smile. "Well I am looking for a dress which is simple, I don't really like those sparkly dressed and I am looking for a pastel pink dress. I just don't know what suits me." I said with a little smile. "What if we try a few different dresses, a few different styles. Just to see which one you like the most and which one you like. Hopefully we will end up with the perfect dress for you." She said while I nodded. "What about this one?" She grabbed one which was a mermaid kind of dress. "We can try" I said while we grabbed a few other dresses. "Let's try them on!" She said excited while we were both carrying about 5 dresses. We walked to the dressing room while I saw Lucy in this stunning dress which suits her perfectly.

"Lucy you look breathtaking" I looked at her with wide eyes. "That's what I told her too" Emma said. "You think?" She smiled and spinned around. "It makes you look very beautiful" the woman who helped me said. "I think I found my dress" Lucy said excited while she stared at herself in the big mirror in front of her. "Your coming?" She woman smiled while I nodded and followed her into the changing room. While she was helping me to fix the dress I was wearing I was checking my phone seeing I got a notification from Snapchat. I opened the app and saw a video from Jason. I started playing the video seeing my boyfriend trying on this black suit while a man was helping him with the tie. "Holy shit, he looks so hot" I said softly and bit my lip. How can a person be so extremely attractive and beautiful? "Who is that handsome guy?" Marissa asked me. Marissa is the woman who is helping me with the fittings. "You saw?" I blushed and giggled. "Yes I did" she laughed while she zipped up my dress from the back. "He is my boyfriend" I smiled. "How adorable, young love." She smiled while I turned to the mirror behind me. "What do you think about this dress?" She asked me. "I mean Its cute, But I am not sure if I really like it on myself." I said honestly while Marissa nodded. "Well let's try on another dress" She said while I carefully took off the other one. After trying on about 5 dresses I got a little upset, none of the dresses looked good on me. The other girls already picked out their perfect dress while I was getting a little stressed. A tear fell down my cheek while I shook my head looking down at the ground. "Lizzy I am so sorry you have to feel this way, we will stay here until you will find that breathtaking dress." Addison smiled and pulled me into a hug. "Thank you" I laughed while she wiped away my tears."Hey guys were finished!" The guys entered the shop. "Hello everyone, did you find some nice suits?" Addison pulled away from the hug and turned to the guys. I looked up seeing Cameron smiling at me. He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me. "Did you find a dress?" He smiled and kissed my forehead while I shook my head. "Wait you didn't?" He asked me a bit shocked. "I am the only one with no dress.." I said looking down. "Let me help you." Cam smiled making me giggle. "I don't know babe.." I said. "Come on beautiful" he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dresses. He let go of my hand and started to look through all the dresses. After about 10 minuten Cam grabbed this blush colored dress which was strapless, with a sweetheart neckline which honestly looked gorgeous. "What about this one?" He held the dress up while I stood there with a bright smile. "I would love to try on that one." I said while Addison and Natalie smiled at me from the other side of the room. We walked into the changing room with Marissa while Cameron and everyone else waited outside. I stepped into the dress and pulled it up while Marissa secured in the back. "Turn around" she smiled. I turned and immediately covered my mouth with my hands when I saw myself. "I love this dress so much" I got emotional while Marissa smiled at me."You look stunning girl" she said while she opened the door. "Let's show them" she winked why I walked out. "O my god" Emma said speechless. That grabbed Cam's attention making him look up at me. He looked at me with wide eyes while his mouth curled into a bright smile. "This is the one for sure" Addison clapped into her hands. "You are so extremely breathtaking, it's like a angel is standing in front of me." Cameron said out of no where making me blush badly making everyone laugh. "You have a got sense of style" Marissa told Cam making him smile. "This is going to be the dress" I smiled while Cameron grabbed one of my hands and spinned me around. "That's my girl" Cameron smiled proudly kissing my cheek.

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