Chapter Ten

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I wake up on my own and I open my eyes slowly. The pale sun light is filtering in from behind the curtains making me squint. I roll over expecting to be met with Avi's warm body, but instead I feel the cold sheet in his place.

Did I dream everything up from last night? I sit up and blink slowly. I definitely am in his house but did I dream up everything else? I slip out of the bed and put my foot down on the carpet. I open the door and hear sizzling from the kitchen.

I creep down the stairs and walk into the kitchen to be greeted by Avi's back. "Good morning Avi." I say softly and he turns, a smile on his face. "Good morning Kitten, did you sleep well?" I nod then wrap my arms around him and rest my head on his back.

"I'm glad, I hope you like eggs and bacon." "I do." My words are muffled by his back and he chuckles. "Good, go to the table little one." I obey and sit down at the table, running my fingers through my hair.

"Do you want apple or orange juice Kit?" "Orange juice please." He pulls out two cups and pours juice into the both of them. He then pulls out two plates and puts eggs and bacon on them. He sets everything down in front of me then hands me a fork.

He sits beside me and I grab his hand. "So are we going to get my stuff today?" I ask eating a piece of bacon. "We? If you want to come with me you can but I was just going to do it so you don't have to go in there."

"I want to go with you because I have some things to grab that you wouldn't know about." He nods and the two of us eat, our hands still intertwined. "After we get my stuff can I go and see Mr. Hoying?"

"Of course! Do you want me to come with you?" He asks squeezing my hand. "Umm I don't know if you should, I mean I want you to it's just I don't want Scott and Mitch to be suspicious," I tell him and he nods.

"You're right, while you go to the hospital I'll go grocery shopping and stuff. You'll have to send me the list of things you want." We both finish eating and I collect his plate on top of mine. "What are you doing little one?" He asks as I stand.

"What does it look like dork? I'm doing the dishes." I giggle as I put the plates in the sink. I grab the sponge but he stands to stop me. "No Kit, you are my guest you are not doing dishes." He protests walking over to me.

"It's the least I can do Avi, besides it's just dishes." I turn the sink on but he turns it off. "No I will not let you do them." He retorts making me roll my eyes. "Yes you will, please just let me do them."

He looks into my eyes and the two of us lock gazes. "Fine." I smile and turn the water back on. I wash the dishes quickly then dry my hands. "Avi!?" I yell since I don't know where he is. "In my room Kitten!" He shouts back and I walk to his room.

"What's up Kit?" He asks coming out of his bathroom. I don't respond and instead look around his room. "Are these...dragons?" I ask walking towards his dresser to inspect the figurines on it. "Yeah..."

I pick up the red and yellow one carefully then pick up the green one. "So you like dragons?" I ask and he nods coming up from behind me. "Always have, always will." He wraps his arms around my waist and places his chin on the top of my head.

"So what did you need from me Kitten?" He asks swaying a little with my body. "I was gonna tell you that I'm ready to go get my stuff." "Ok I'm gonna bring suitcases from here so we can bring more things."

"That's a good idea. Do you have any joggers or something because it looks like I'm not wearing pants." He smirks and nods. "Here," He goes into his closet then hands me a pair of joggers. "These should fit."

I take his boxers off and unfold the pants. "Kirstie!" He exclaims throwing his hand over his eyes. "What?" I slip the pants on and tie them tightly to fit on my waist. "You just dropped your pants in front of me!"

"So? You just saw my panties. If I'm gonna live with you then you better get used to it." I tell him laughing. "You are naughty, aren't you little one?" I wink and kiss his cheek. "On occasion, now let's go."

He chuckles and smiles. "Ok let me go and get the suitcases." He goes back into his closet and comes out with two large suitcases. "I have a duffel bag if you want to bring that too." He says wheeling them to the door.

"Well I have a suitcase at home and a duffel bag so I think this will be good. I can take my dads old suitcase if we need." I tell him and he nods. "Alright then let's go." I take one of the suitcases while he takes the other and we put them in the trunk.

"I'm nervous." I say as he pulls out of the drive way. "Don't be Kit, I won't let anything happen to you." He takes my hand in his and runs his thumb over my finger. "I know you won't Dragon, I just don't know what to expect."

"Dragon?" He turns to look at me with a small smile. "Yeah because you like dragons and you're strong and protective like one. Also you call me Kitten so I don't know, I want something to call you."

He takes a moment then his smile gets bigger. "Dragon...I love it." I squeeze his hand in mine and smile as he pulls into my driveway, my car still in the driveway. "She's not home, thank god." We get out of the car and I enter the passcode to open the garage.

Avi wheels the suitcases up behind me and I open the door and walk into the cold house. "Let's see if everything is still like I left it." We walk into the kitchen and sure enough my backpack is lying on the floor and my keys are on the counter.

I grab my backpack and put it by the door then put my keys in my pocket. We walk up the stairs and go straight to my room. "Ok so I'll use two suitcases for my clothes, one suitcase for all my other crap, my duffel bag for my shoes and my toiletries, and if we need we can use my dads old suitcase for other stuff." He nods and I walk to my closet.

It takes us almost two hours to get all my crap together and my room and bathroom are almost empty. "Dragon can I bring my keyboard?" I ask and he smiles. "One condition, you have to play a song for me."

"Deal." I unplug my keyboard and lean it up against my wall. We finish getting everything together and we bring it all to the both of our cars. "Is that everything?" Avi asks and I think for a moment. "I only have to get one more thing so I'll meet you at the house." He nods and I kiss his cheek.

I wait until he walks out before going into my moms room to get to her closet. I drag the white box out of the back of it and run my fingers over the top. I open it and bite back my tears as I see the pictures of my old family piled up to the top.

I go through them and take the ones with me and him in them, then I take the photo album I made of us out of the bottom of the box. I open it and through through the pages, my tears falling down on my cheeks. "Kirstin?" I was so caught up with my emotions that I didn't even hear my mom walk in.

"What are you doing in here?" I put the individual pictures in the photo album and close it. "Are you leaving?" She questions as I stand and wipe my tears. "Yes mom." I sniffle as her face stays emotionless. "Did you leave our wedding picture?"

"I'm only taking the pictures that have me in them and the photo album." She stands quietly for a moment, tears in her eyes. "Where are you going?" "It's not important." It was quiet again. "I'm sorry for what I've done to you." She whispers and I hug her.

"Mom you're drunk, go lay down and relax. You won't see me around here for a little while." I walk her into her room and help her lay down. "Kirstin I love you." She murmurs and my heart breaks.

"I love you too mom, look after yourself." I kiss her forehead then leave her room, closing her door behind me. I sigh and walk to the door trying not to cry. I pick up my backpack and take one last look at my house before stepping out for the last time.

I pull my keys out of my pocket then I get in the car, pulling out of the driveway that I had spent my summers running up and down. I drive to Avi's house in silence and when I get there he comes out to help me get everything.

"Kitten were you crying? Did something happen?" He asks frantically and instead of answering I just hug him. Even though I don't say anything my mind is racing with thoughts.

I know that I just finished my old chapter, but as I'm holding my Dragon I realize that my new chapter is just beginning and boy am I ready for it.

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