Chapter Twenty Three

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"No no no no!" I wail and listen to Avi laugh. "Good morning Princess, are you ready to go back to school?" "Fuck school I want to sleep." I growl, burying my face in my pillow. He laughs again and leans down to kiss my forehead.

"I'm off Kitten, love you." I smile but keep my face in the pillow. "Love you too," I mumble into the pillow then wait until I hear the door close before getting up. I sprint down the stairs and fling myself on his back.

He gasps and grips my thighs to keep me from falling. "Kitten my god!" He exclaims and I smile. "I wanted a kiss goodbye." He smiles and I peck his lips. "Goodbye Dragon, I'll see you in class." "Goodbye little one." He kisses my forehead then sets me down.

I watch him walk out of the house then go upstairs to get dressed. I'm wearing a black sweater with a black leather skirt that has patches of color and a detailed back. I tuck my sweater into the skirt then put on my heels and a belt.

I decide to skip breakfast and just get a venti coffee since that's filling enough for me. I go into our bathroom and do everything I need to in there. I run my finger over my eyelashes then go downstairs to put my babies up.

"I love you both so so much." I whisper, kissing the top of their heads as I put them in their kennel. They both whimper as I grab my backpack and close our bedroom door. I sigh, not wanting to leave them, then grab my phone and keys.

I get in my car and immediately turn on the heater since it's been quite cold for living in California. I begin my morning ritual of driving to Starbucks, except this time I don't receive any calls from my friends like I usually do.

I don't think much of it since they're probably in class or something so I listen to music for the duration of my drive. I go through the drive thru and get my usual order, a caramel latte, then I begin the drive to school.

As I'm driving there I get a call from Avi so I answer it, knowing that it must be extremely important for him to be calling me in class. "Hello?" "Kirstie, where are you?" My heart begins to pound. He never calls me Kirstie.

"I'm driving to school, I just got my coffee." "Turn around, go back home." He says firmly, I can hear Scott's voice in the background. "What why?" I pull into a gas station parking lot so I can turn around.

"I'm with Scott and Mitch, they saw your mom outside of the school with a guy." Avi's voice is shaky and my heart continues to race. "W-What!? What did the guy look like?" I ask nervously and I can hear Avi handing the phone to Scott.

"It was Jonathan, Kirst." Scott murmurs sadly, confirming my frightening thoughts. "No..." "I don't know what they're doing here but I do know they're looking for you. They asked Mitch and I where you were and we told them you were probably already in class."

I blink back the tears the threaten to spill out of my eyes. "Give the phone back to Avi please." He does and I hear Avi's voice. "Do not come here, please go home." He pleads and I pull out of the parking lot.

"Park your car in the garage, from now on you're not going anywhere in that car since they can find you that way." I begin driving back to the house while looking at the time. 7:35. I only have five more minutes to talk to them.

"What I am supposed to do for the rest of high school? I have classes and choir and-" "Kitten I know but that's not important right now, what's important is that you get home safely." He says as the warning bell rings loudly in the background.

"Scott, Mitch go back to the room. I'll be there s**n." Avi tells my friends. "Kitten I have to go, I'll be home as soon as school gets out. I love you so much." "I love you too, I'll be ok." And with that I hang up and drive home.

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