Chapter Twenty

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"Kirstie, what are you doing here?" I gasp and slam the door shut which makes Avi come over to me. "Kitten who is it?" He asks as Scott and Mitch come over too, both of them still holding my puppies.

"No no both of you go back into the living room." I shoo them away and turn back to Avi. "It's Mr. Olusola..." I hiss as he knocks again. "Kirstie!? Avi!?" Avi's eyes fill with sheer terror and he reaches for the doorknob. "H-Hey Kevin, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to come see you for Christmas why is Kirstie he-" "Pascal!" Mitch shrieks, darting towards us with Scott trying to pull him back. Pascal and Olaf full-on sprint towards us and jump on Mr. Olusola's leg, yipping happily.

Mr. Olusola's eyes widen at the whole situation and in that moment I realize Avi and I are in deep shit. There are three teenagers, only one of age, in their pajamas at a teacher's house, there are two yapping puppies who are making everything worse, and there are visible picture frames with pictures of Avi and I on the wall.

"What in God's green Earth is going on!?" He exclaims loudly and the whole world seems to come to a stop. Olaf and Pascal both stop their excited actions and instead sit at my feet silently in fear.

Scott and Mitch both just stand behind Avi and I, too afraid to do anything and Avi and I are just standing under Mr. Olusola's angry gaze. "Kevin come in and I'll explain. Kirstie go over to Scott's house." Avi says, not breaking eye contact with him.

"No, I think she should stay here." Mr. Olusola rasps and Avi's eyes flicker towards me. "No, she doesn't need to be here for this. Kirstie, I want you to go over there. Scott, can she bring the puppies?" I lean down and scoop the two puppies up then hand them to my friends.

"Of course, come on Mitchy let's go." I go into the living room and put on my slippers then I walk past Mr. Olusola's burning gaze. I get into the back of Scott's car and realize that my hands are trembling.

"Kitty are you ok?" I bite my lip and shake my head. "I'm so scared..." Scott looks at me in the rearview mirror as he drives off. "Why? You two haven't fucked so it's not two haven't fucked have you?"

I look at Scott then at Mitch then back at Scott as I collect my bottom lip in my teeth. "Well..."


"Ok Kevin, before you blow up, do you want some coffee or anything? You're going to be here for quite some time and-" I stop talking because he looks at me like he might strangle me. "Ok then, come with me."

I bring him into the kitchen and we both sit down. "You better start explaining Avi." He rasps and I nod. "Well as you could probably tell, Kirstie and I are dating. We have been for about four months."

"Yeah I can tell, it's completely unprofessional! What are you thinking Avi? This could ruin your career, even worse get you labeled as a sex offender. What in the world are you doing?" I hold up my hands defensively. "Kevin just listen." He sits back and nods for me to continue.

"The first week of school I saw her in the wine section of Walgreens and I got really concerned about her. The next day she told me that her mom had hit her and made her get the wine so I gave her my phone number in case she ever needed me."

"I didn't know her mom was abusive...poor Kirstie." He says then looks at me to continue. "Well on that Friday her mom brought a very abusive guy home and he sexually assaulted her. She called me and I moved her in here immediately since she had nowhere else to go."

"Why didn't she go to Scott's house?" He asks, starting to calm down. "Scott's dad got into a car accident that day. There was too much going on so she thought she couldn't go over there." He nods as if everything is adding up in his mind.

"The next day we went to get all of her stuff and she officially moved in. We became official that weekend after we went on a date to the aquarium and since then we've been together. Our four month anniversary is tomorrow and we're both so happy. Please Kevin, please don't tell anyone."

He inhales sharply and sits in silence making me bite my lip nervously. "I won't." He says finally and I sigh in relief. "Thank you so so so much, Kevin!" I exclaim and go to hug him. He hugs me back and I smile.

"You're welcome, I just want you to be careful ok? Not only with the fact that your relationship is basically illegal, but be careful with her. I've known Kirstie since she was a freshman and I've watched her go through almost all of her hardships. She deserves all the happiness in the world and I expect you to give that to her."

"I will Kevin, I promise I will." He smiles and we sit for a moment in silence. "Did you get those puppies for her for Christmas?" He asks and I nod. "Yep, Olaf and Pascal. She named them of course."

Another moment of silence passes then he speaks up. "How's your sister?" He asks, trying to mask his sorrow. "She's good my parents are with her right now. Do you miss her?" He looks up at me and nods.

"Of course I do, but she's happy and that makes me happy..." His voice trails off and my heart breaks for him. "I'm sorry Kev." He stands and I do too then give him another hug. "It's ok Av, I promise. I gotta get going now, I have to help with the cooking for dinner tonight."

"Ok thank you for coming over, I'm really glad you know now. It was hard to keep the secret from you." I walk him to the door and he opens it. "I'm glad I know too, see you next week." I say my goodbyes then close the door.

I go into the living room and grab my phone off the couch.

He just left

Kitten: Ok how did it go?

He's ok with it and he won't tell anyone about it.

Kitten: Oh thank god, I've been so worried. I'm gonna be here a little bit longer since I'm with Mr. Hoying then I'll come back.

Ok Kitten, I love you.

Kitten: I love you too.

I click my phone off then I begin making lunch for the both of us. Kirstie gets home about half an hour later and she smiles when she walks into the kitchen. "Aww, you made lunch for me? Have I ever told you I don't deserve you?"

"No, and you better not ever say that because you deserve even more than I can give you." She blushes and puts Olaf and Pascal down. She then comes over to me and wraps her arms around me then rests her head on my back.

"I love you." She murmurs as our puppies play at our feet. "I love you too." She lets go of me and I turn to hand her her plate of food. "Thank you." She goes to the table and sits down, the pups sit beside her chair waiting for food.

"Oh no no no, I got you two some food of your own." I set my plate down on the table then pull the dog bowls I had bought them from out of the cabinet. I scoop some food and put it in two of the bowls then I fill the other two with water.

I set them down close to the table then I sit next to Kirstie to eat. After we both finish eating we do our daily dish routine then she scoops up the puppies and brings them into the living room. I walk in to see her laying down with the both of them curled up on her.

"I'm sleepy." She says yawning cutely. "Then take a nap Kitten. I'm going to do some laundry then I'll come back." She nods and she closes her eyes. I do the laundry quickly then go back into the living room to find all three of my loves sleeping.

I lean down and kiss Olaf and Pascal's head then I kiss her forehead. "I love you, little one." Her eyes flicker open and she gives me a small smile. "I love you too, Dragon." I smile back at her and she closes her eyes again, leaving me to watch over her.

This truly has been one of the best Christmas's ever.

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