Chap. 2

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Sonics POV

Before Rouge told us who was going to invite, she asked me to promise her if I told her who It was, I wouldn't back out. I had to really think of who I had any problems with, and only one person came to mind.


But I've never really seen Rouge and Shadow talk so I should be good. I agreed and she told me the name, "Shadow".  I was silent. I thought about the fight we might start and how he has this unexplainable grudge against me even though I'm nice to him. I don't have anything against him, but he always started the fight. I told them, "I don't know if I can do this". They went into a group huddle, excluding me. A few minutes later they were back and all looked at Silver. "go ahead" said Knuckles. Silver spoke quietly, "Ok we came up with a solution. We will keep you and Shadow separated by someone being me, Knuckles, or Rouge". I said, "What do you mean separated?". "Someone will either sit, stand, or just say between you two. Basically a human wall." says Rouge. I agree, but I still feel like this will go wrong.

Shadows POV

After I dropped off that stupid fucker at the market, Rouge showed up. She handed me a ID that said my info. The only thing that was off was that It said I was 18. I was about to ask her why my age said 18 but she cut me off. " Its my birthday tomorrow. I'm spending it at the club. Wanna join?" I hadn't had fun in a while. Especially this kind of fun. But I needed to know who else was going. I asked, "who else is going?". "I'll tell you if you agree to come first." I thought of who she doesn't like. Sonic, probably because she said he talked too much so she would never invite him. I agreed to go. "ok so now will you tell me?". "ok fine. It's me, Knuckles, Silver-" "oh no" I thought. "-and Sonic". "I HATE SONIC WHY WOULD YO-". Rouge slapped me. I rubbed my face in confusion. "Calm down Shadow! damn! It's not like you guys are having a sleep over!". I thought it through and realized it's Rouges birthday and I should give some consideration to her feelings. "Anyways, if Sonic doesn't like that your coming either we'll figure out something. Ok?". Rouge didn't always come up with the best Ideas but I still gave in.

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