Chapter 12

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At night Lia woke up 2 times and was hungry. right now it's 9a.m and Mal is feeding her again. They are both coming home today. "Ben can you go and get her dressed while I get dressed myself" "sure" I took Lia out of her arms and went over to the changing table and dressed her in New clothes after I changed her diaper as soon as I finished Mal was finished too I placed Lia in her carseat and we walked outside and left the hospital we went inside the limo that was waiting for us and drove off to the castle. we pulled up i front of the castle and got out of the limo and entered the castle. as we entered we saw no-one "where are your parents" "I'd say in the Libary" "yah that would make sense" we walked down the right hallway and stopped in front of the huge wooden door and knocked on it "come in" I heard dad say I opened the door and we entered the Libary " Hi you're already home we were about to visit you in an hour" "yah well they released us today since Lia and me are both fine" "well I'm glad you are come in take a seat" we sat down on the couch in front of my parents"so how did the night go" " actually really well she woke up twice and was hungry and then she woke up at 8.30 I think and was hungry short after" " ok so are you showing her to the press and council today" " Yes the sooner we do it the better it is" just as I said that Lia started crying in her carseat mom looked at her then to Mal and me and asked "can I "while pointing to Lia "of course"Mal said. mom took the carseat and placed it in front of her she took Lia out of it and started rocking her "Hey there Baby girl welcome home" she said as Lia calmed down. she rocked until she was completely quiet again. "well we have to go the press is coming in 10 minutes and we still have to change" said Ben "ok well then good luck with the press"Belle said and handed me Lia"thank you see you later" I said and Ben took the now empty carseat while Lia was in my arms and we walked out of the room I changed Lia and got changed myself while Ben was holding Lia. "Ok I'm ready to go" I said and took Lia. We walked towards the ballroom and entered together. the reporter started snapping photos and we sat down on some chairs. "So everyone can ask one question then it's the next ones turn we start from the left"said Ben. Since I dresses her in blue and yellow it wasn't really clear if it's a boy or a girl so of course the first question was "is it a boy or a girl" "it's a girl" "what's her name" "her name is Amelia Belle Beast" Ben said."did you both pick the name" "no Mal alone picked the names" "will you be haveing another child one day" "we will see about that but we may want to have anotherchild one day but not very soon" "if you have a second child would you want it to be a boy or a girl" "well we don't care we just want it to be healthy" "that would be everything thank you"Ben said and Lumiere guided the press outside and we walked to the Libary to meet his parents again. we sat down in front of them again me now sitting between Ben's legs While Lia laid on my chest still sleeping "So how did it go with the press" "actually really good they did not scream questions at us so Lia could sleep through the whole thing" "well that's good when we showed Ben to the press they screamed so loud that Ben woke up and we all know Ben is a heavy sleeper"belle said and we all chuckled. Ben started reading and I fell asleep with Lia on my chest. After an hour I woke up because Lia was crying I sat up laid her in my arms and started rocking her. she calmed down quickly but didn't go back to sleep. "I think she's hungry again I'm gonna go and feed her"I said and left the room. I sat down in the rocking chair in Ben and my room I took a blanked and put it around the 2 of us then I started feeding her. once she was done I started rocking her and she fell asleep on my chest. it was already 5p.m u til I felt someone lifting Lia up. I woke up immediately and noticed it was Ben "hey sorry I didn't mean to wake you" "no it's ok she will soon be hungry anyways j said and we sat down on our bed Ben still holding Amelia. he laid her down on his chest and I rested my head on his shoulder and looked at our daughter. one hour later I finally got Lia to sleep and laid her down in her bed that stood next to my side if the bed. in her first 2 to 3 months I don't want to leave her in the nursery alone. I went to my bend and snuggled next to Ben into the covers he kissed me and said "good night dragon" "good night beasty" I replied and then fell asleep.

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