Chapter 41

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it was nine days after Lucas had his surgery and today Lia would finally be able to see him again since he's out of the intensive care unit as of today he had to stay inside two days longer than planned because there were small complications with his breathing the first three days after surgery so they wanted to be on the safe side. The press was getting really annoying since they where following us everywhere we went.  They had caught  wind that it was Lucas who is treated in the hospital but so far they were only able to speculate what he has since no one talked to them and there hasn't been an official release either.
Lia and I just walked inside the hospital and of course we were swarmed by paparazzi who were trying to get one of us to answer their questions.
Once inside we went and knocked on Mal and Lucas door. I opened it to reveal Mal Sitting on the bed while breastfeeding Lucas and watching TV. once she saw us she turned of the TV and said "hey there you two how are you" " we're fine mommy and you" "also fine thank you" Mal stopped feeding Lucas as he started whining. I sat Amelia on top of the bed so she could see her brother. Mal still held him trying to calm him down. Lia reached over to hold his hand and the second his hand wrapped around Lia's finger he stopped whining and looked at his sister. I took a few pictures of them and also got one as Lucas smiled for the first time since his surgery. He smiled right up at his sister and Lia also smiled back down at him. "see that Lia your brother missed you" "I also missed him but at least he's healthy now and can come home soon" "yes in a week hopefully it gets so boring all day in the hospital I mean at least we will be allowed out of the building in two days so we can at least go for a walk"
"well at least something maybe Amelia and I can come an tag along" "Can we also ask grandma and grandpa" "well of course you can ask them" Mal said. "mommy is Lucas really ok now" "yes he is they fixed what was wrong with his heart and now he's going to be healthy" "that's good. so he does not have to be in the hospital again" "no just for a few quick check ups once in a while" Lia smiled bright and carefully kissed her brother's forehead. "so are the paparazzi still hogging you" "yep since they don't know what happened that Lucas has to be in the hospital they are trying to get a statement or anything" "well they'll have to wait another week they'll get all the information they want and need as soon as we are home again" "well that's gonna be a challenge for them and us to not yell at them at some point" Mal and I chuckled at that.

Once home Lia ran off to find her grandparents. She couldn't find them inside so we went outside. We found them sitting on a bench near the rose garden. "Hello grandma and grandpa" "Well hello Amelia and Ben" "hi mom and dad" . Mom lifted lia up so she was sitting on her lap."guess what mommy and Lucas are coming home in a week" "really it's about time" "yes we spoke to doctor James hand he said he is very pleased with lucas recovery and that he'll be dismissed in a week and in two days Mal and Lucas can go out for a walk" "oh that's good some fresh air and sun will be good for Lucas" "grandma gan you and grandpa come along with us when we visit to go on a walk with them" "well we do not have any plans this week so I guess we will be" "yes so we'll all be together again" "yes we will" I said bending down kissing her forehead. I sat down with my parents while Lia ran off to the meadow.

It was now an hour after dinner and I was getting Lia ready for bed. "daddy can you tell me my bedtime story today" of course I will but why don't you want your mommy to do it"  "well mommy needs to take good care of Lucas so they can really go home and I don't want that daddy thinks I don't love him or that daddy doesn't love me anymore because I always cry for mommy" she said tearing up. I wiped her tears away and took her in my arms kissing her head  "hey baby bear listen I do not think that you don't love me I know it's hard that mommy is away for so long and I know it's especially hard for you you were always used to mommy and me being home but now all of a sudden mommy is away and you can't always see her.  And I love you more than anything Amelia nothing that happens or you do will ever change that do you understand that baby" "yes daddy"she said while hugging me smiling and crying at the same time. I hugged her back and kissed her cheek. "I love you daddy" "I love you too baby bear" We still hugged for a while until Amelia yawned. "daddy I'm tired" "ok so let's get you to bed" we walked over to her bed and I tucked her in she hugged Jack her stuffed dog and I started telling the story "Once there was a baby star. It lived up near the sun.And every night at bedtime that baby star wanted to have fun.
It would shine and shine, and fall and shoot and twinkle oh-so-bright.And it said, "Mommy, I'll run away if you make me say goodnight." And then it's mommy kissed it's sparkly nose and said,"No matter where you go, no matter where you are,no matter how big you grow and even if you stray far,I'll love you forever, because you'll always be my baby star."" "good night daddy" said a sleepy Lia. "good night my princess" I said giving her forehead a kiss before quietly going out of her room and shutting the door.

After 15 minutes of me sitting on my bed thinking about what Lia just said my phone rang. I looked at the ID and saw that it was Mal. "Hi Mal"  I answered the call.
Mal:Hey Ben is everything ok you didn't call for Amelia's bedtime story.
Ben: yes... well no
Mal: what's wrong
Ben: well she told me that she thought that I wouldn't love her anymore if I always needed to call you to tell her her story she also thought that I may think that she doesn't love me anymore. So she asked me to tell her her story I did that just 15 minutes ago after I told her that I don't think either of those things she said. and for now she's asleep
Mal: wow ok I don't really know what to say I didn't even think she would have thoughts like that.
Ben: yah neither did I but here we are but I think for now she's ok after our talk
Mal: ok well then that's good I gotta go Lucas needs to be fed. I love you. bye
Ben: I love you too bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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