Chapter 36

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After an almost sleepless night for me and having real contractions starting at 7a.m. at a 11 minute rhythm. it was now 4p.m. and the contractions now came every 6 minutes I squeezed Ben's hand which by now was already bruised every time a contraction hit me.

It was now 1a.m and I was ready to finally give birth to my second child. "ok now everytime a contraction is hitting you push as hard as you can" Doctor James told me I just nodded in response. the first contraction came and I pushed. we kept going on like this for 2 hours but nothing happened. "ugh I don't think I can do this much longer" I said and doctor James performed an ultrasound to see if something was wrong. "well I guess you have to keep going we're almost there and it's too late for a c-section by now the baby's moved down too much" "come on Mal you can do this. I believe in you" Ben encouraged me. "ok ok I can do this" "that's my girl" Ben said quietly. "ok but maybe we need to use a different position" Doctor James said. "yes please my back is killing me" "ok king Ben could you help your wife to sit up please" He helped me to sit up while the nurses put the part of the bed where my upper body laid higher and put some pillows there as well. "so Queen Mal turn around and get on your knees while your upper body rests on the pillows" once again Ben helped me to move. as I was positioned like doctor James told me another contraction hit me and I pushed. "ok that's it keep going..... great and now relax" I turned my head so I was looking at Ben who smiled at me. another contraction came and I pushed again.

"ok that's it I can see the head now" doctor James said after 10 more pushes and contractions. "one more big push and we got the head" panting I nodded my head. "do you feel another contraction approaching" I hummed nodding my head. "ok then push hard come on" I screamed as I felt the head coming and finally popping out of me. I panted loudly and felt Ben stroking my cheek. "good job babe" he said and kissed my cheek. "ok when the baby is born you're going to have it for 10 minutes before we need to go and check if and what is wrong with him or her it'll take a whole lot longer than the first checkup princess Amelia had so don't get worried ok" "ok" I felt another contraction come and pushed until I felt the baby was out of me. I exhaled slowly"good job there is your second baby. King Ben would you like to cut the umbilical cord" "uh yes" he said and went to cut it. then he helped me to turn around and lean against the pillows."why is it not crying" I asked tearing up. "no no no no this can't be happening" Ben came and touched my shoulder trying th calm me down "no Ben don't touch me go away" I said as I let the tears fall down my cheeks. Ben pulled his hand away immediately. I watched as doctor James carefully patted the baby's back and then rubbed it fast until the baby started coughing up some water and then finally crying. "there you go just had water stuck in the lungs congratulations" Doctor James said and handed me my baby and went to clean me and the bed. I looked down to my bare chest to see a tiny crying baby lay there "hey there little one welcome to the world" I said and gently kissed the top of the head. I looked closer and saw that I gave birth to a baby boy. "Oh Ben look we have a baby boy" "I know Mal and I'm so over the moon happy and so proud of both of you" he said and wiped the rest of my tears away then we kissed. I gently stroked the little man's back. "well Ben what names have you picked for him" "well he's Prince Lucas Adam Beast of Auradon" "that's a wonderful name" I said and kissed him again. "well then hi there little prince Lucas I love you" I said and kissed his forehead. "and I also love you little Lucas" Ben said and kissed his head.
"your majesties I'm sorry but I have to take the prince with me now while we're gone you will be brought back to your room and you may rest it'll take 2 to 3 hours" "ok. see you later Lucas. I love you" "see you later my boy" Ben said and I handed Lucas over to doctor James. they quickly left the room and then a nurse came along with a wheelchair. I sat down in the wheelchair with help from Ben and the nurse. She wheeled me to my room and then they helped me into my bed. Once the nurse left I looked at Ben. "I hope everything will be fine with Lucas and he doesn't need surgery right away if he really has a heart valve defect" "I hope so too but we'll have to wait and see for now go to sleep Mal you just spent nearly 4 hours actually giving birth and a total of 38 hours of contractions and 21 hours of that actual labor you need it. I promise to wake you up once they bring Lucas back here" "ok I love you Ben and thank you" "I love you too. for what exactly are you thanking me" "for staying with me through those hours" "no problem anything for you my love" with that I fell asleep exhaustion taking over.


three hours passed and now there was a knock on the door. The door opened and doctor James came inside along with a nurse who held Lucas in her arms. I gently shook Mal and she immediately woke up. "your majesties we checked over the little prince now and would like to tell you what we found out" I helped Mal sit up and the nurse handed Lucas to her. "So for one we found out that he really has a heart valve defect but it's not one we can't fix and we also found out that we can wait until he's 8 weeks old until we perform surgery. it's not that big of a defect it's just that one of the valves in his heart sometimes doesn't close entirely. and other than that he's completely healthy" "thank you doctor James" "we will talk about the surgery more when you leave the hospital" "ok thank you" "you're welcome your majesties" he said and left the room. Lucas was now crying. "I guess you are hungry huh" Mal said and handed him to me for a few seconds while she took off her shirt and then took him back to feed him. "well I don't think he quite has the hang of this" I said watching as Lucas was still crying and not latching on to the breast and actually drink. "He'll get it soon don't worry" and just like Mal said he actually started drinking and calmed down. "told you" "you sure did" I said and sat down next to Mal looking at Lucas.

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