Chapter 40

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I woke up early because a little hand hit my face. It was Lia's since she woke up three times at night I took her into bed with me. I stood up and made my way over to my table turned on a little light and worked through the rest of my paperwork.
When I was finished I walked back to the bed and laid down again just watching Lia while she slept. An hour later she was finally awake we both got dressed and went downstairs to get some breakfast. "long night" my dad asked as he saw me. " yes. she woke up three times until I took her into bed with me not to mention the crying fits yesterday before bed and then at night because Mal isn't here" "what do you say we take her for a while after breakfast and you try to get a little more sleep" "well I don't really know" "Lia what do you say you spent some time with us after breakfast" "yes then I can show you what I learned yesterday" "ok then it's settled" "ok but if there is anything wrong and she cries again or something just bring her to me" "we will"

After breakfast mom took Lia out of her highchair took her hand and dad took the other as they walked outside. I sighted and walked upstairs again I changed in some more comfortable clothes. As I was about to lay down Mal called me.
Ben: Hello Mal
Mal: Hey Ben they just took Lucas into surgery
Ben: ok well then do you want us to come over to keep you company
Mal: I would like that but you sound like you just woke up is everything ok
Ben: well I was about to go back to bed Lia kept me awake she woke up three times at night staying awake and crying for about an hour until I took her into bed with me. right now she's outside with mom and dad
Mal: ok then you go to sleep I call you once he's out of surgery and when I know how it went maybe you guys can come and visit us then
Ben:ok then I love you
Mal: I love you too
I then hung up and went to sleep.

I woke up and looked at the clock. 12 o'clock I slept for 3 hours. I got out of bed and got dressed before I went outside looking for my parents and daughter. I found them sitting on a bench near a meadow on which Lia was happily running around. " hey son" "Hey so everything ok" "yes she showed us that she learned how to swing on her own and then we just walked around for a bit until we came to a stop here" mom said. "ok Mal called after breakfast Lucas is in surgery she will call again if he's out and she knows how everything went" my parents nodded as I sat down next to my mom. Lia saw me and waved at me while I waved back at her.

An hour after lunch I was sitting in the living room watching the news that some reporters found out about Mal being in the hospital they did not know that Lucas was there as well. We didn't tell the kingdom or anyone aside from family which includes Mal's siblings that he has a heart disease.
Now every gossip news channel was talking about Mal being seen to go to the hospital and what could possibly be wrong with her. My attention got ripped from the TV when my phone rung. I looked at the ID and it was my wife.
Ben:Hey Mal
Mal: Hey Ben. Lucas is out of surgery everything went the way it should have been now he's in the intensive care unit so they can monitor everything and can keep an close eye on him we can visit him but we can't hold him and for the rest of the day he's fed through a tube with the milk I have to Express minutes before
Ben: But thank god everything went well
Mal: Yes. Is Amelia taking her nap right now.
Ben: Yes she's sleeping for an hour already
Mal: Ok then maybe after her nap you and your parents can come and visit us although I don't want Amelia to see Lucas like that but I bet she will want to see me
Ben: I guess she does. Ok when she's awake we will come over I text you when we drive over ok
Mal: Ok I'll see you then bye love you
Ben: love you more

I went to the library to talk to my parents. "Hey mom,dad. Mal just called Lucas is out of surgery and everything is fine he's hooked up on a lot of machines that keep monitoring him and he's fed through a tube today but Mal said we could come over once Lia is awake although we won't let Lia see her brother as long as he's on all of those machines" "ok we will come with you once Lia is awake if that's ok" "of course"
Half an hour Later we were already driving over to the hospital. We went inside the room where we left Mal and Lucas yesterday. Mal was sitting on the bed waiting for us. Once Lia saw her she run over to her and loudly screamed "mommy"
Mal immediately stood up and engulfed Lia in a hug "hey baby star how are you" "fine mommy and you" "also fine" "hey Mal" I said and kissed her. "eww mommy daddy stop that's yucky" Lia complained. we chuckled and Mal sat Lia down on her bed. "Hey Mal" mom and dad said and went to hug her as well. "mommy where's Lucas" "well sweetheart he's in a different room right now where the doctors and nurses can keep an close eye on him" "ok can we go see him" " well daddy grandma and grandpa can but you my darling will stay with mommy. he's on a lot of machines and cables and I don't want you to see him like this ok" "when can I see him then" "when he's out of that other room and back here it will take a week if everything is perfectly fine but if there is even the slightest sign of anything being wrong then it will take longer" "ok but he'll be fine he promised me that everything will be fine and he's strong just like you mommy and daddy and grandpa and grandma" "that's right and also as strong as you"
"Mal we will go and see him now if that's ok" "sure go"
with that we left the room and went to the room Lucas was in we had to wear special clothing. There he was my little warrior asleep and a whole bunch of machines connected to him one for heart monitoring and one to help him breathe one to monitor his breathing, temperature, blood pressure... On his chest there was a big plaster where the scar must be underneath.I felt myself tearing up. I took his hand and stroked the back of it with my thumb. "oh my poor baby" mom said. I noticed tears in her eyes as well as dad's. we were with Lucas for 20 minutes till we decided to go back to Mal and Amelia.

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