Chapter 23

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Today I woke up to see that Mal and Lia weren't next to me in the bed. I got up and walked into Lia's nursery. " So baby girl now you can go and wake daddy up and after that we will call your uncle's and tell them that auntie Evie just had her baby yesterday and that they should come to the castle and then we will go see auntie Evie,uncle Doug  and your cousin David" Mal told Lia as she stood at the changeing table. After I heard that I quietly made my way out of the room and back to my bed again. I laid down and a few seconds later the door opened and Mal walked in our bedroom placed Lia on the bed where she crawled over to me and pulled on my hair."owww" I said and opened my eyes. "why are you always pulling daddy's hair to wake him up" I said and tickled her so she let herself fall backwards on her back and then started giggling. "mama" she called and Mal sat down on the bed too and took Lia into her arms. "good morning my two favourite girls" I said and kissed Mal on the lips and Lia on her head. "good morning" she replied. Lia babbled something you could understand as good morning. "So did daddy tickle you again huh maybe that is why she only pulls on your hair and no one else's" "maybe but I just love it when her baby laughter fills the room" "ok I have to admit I love it too but now tell daddy to get ready we'll go see Evie after breakfast " she said to Lia and handed her to me. "I'm gonna call Jay and Carlos" "ok" Mal went to call her brothers while I cuddled with my daughter for a few seconds and then sat her down on the floor while I went to change. I was standing in front of the mirror and tried to get rid of my bed hair. then Mal came inside and did it for me then I felt someone pulling on my pants. I looked down to my feet and saw Lia standing there holding herself on my pants. "dada" she said and reached up her hands. I smiled and picked her up "you did it baby girl you said dad" I kissed her cheek while Mal stroked her back. "always learning new things aren't we princess" "she is" I said and we shared a kiss which Lia didn't really like as she gave a high pitch scream. "what aren't mommy and daddy allowed to love each other" I asked. "mama" Lia said and leaned in Mal's direction with her arms stretched out. "going back to mommy now" "and now down to eat breakfast because Carlos, Jay, Jane and Lonnie are on their way over here in an hour so we can visit Evie and David" "ok then let's go"

An hour later we just sat in the living room when Lumiere guided everyone inside. "hey there she is my favorite niece" Jay said and picked Lia up. "you only got one niece Jay" Mal said and the girls giggled. "hey guys" "hey so ready to see Evie and the baby I already told her that we're on our way" "yah of course" Jane said. "ok well then let me just go and get Lia's carseat" I said and walked off.

When we arrived at the hospital we went inside and knocked in the door to Evie's room. Mal walked in with Lia on her hip. "hey E" "hey M" Mal walked to her side and hugged her."hey Lia" Evie greeted her niece. "hey Evie" "hey guys" we all hugged and congratulated her "so let us the new little troublemaker" Jay said and earned a glare from all the girls. "he just went with the nurse to get his second checkup" "oh ok how long will that take" "I don't know" now they all looked at Mal and me. "well Lia's check up took about an hour" "oh wow ok umm so niece or nephew for us" "a nephew David Andrew" "cool so where is Doug" Carlos asked. "oh he just left minutes before you guys came he went to get his parents so they can meet him as well" just then Lia whined. "no Lia you can't crawl in this room" Mal said. "give her to me" Evie said and Mal carefully sat Lia down on Evie's lap. she was quiet for about ten minutes before she whined over and over again we always switched who held her with everyone it was quiet for about ten minutes before she whined again. she was back with Mal again and then had a tantrum when Mal didn't let her crawl around. "ok you know what when you can't behave you just sit there on the floor I don't care" Mal said and put her down."man am I happily that David has a long way until he gets there" "oh believe me those tantrums don't start around this age Lia also had some at the age of 2 months" "you'll just let her sit there now" "yes that's the best way to get her out of those tantrums" Jay and Carlos looked down at sniffling and quietly crying Lia. "no no no I can't let that happen to my little baby niece"he went and wanted to pick her up. " Jay don't you even dare to pick her up and start a new tantrum that's much worse or else you will have her tonight" "but she's crying" "and when she stops and she's out of her bad mood she wants to be picked up again and will tell us that but for now just let her sit there"  "ok.." just then the nurse cane inside and gave David back to Evie. "So there you go he's fine" "thank you" once she left Evie handed David to Carlos who passes him to Jane then Lonnie, Jay and then me. "that nose definitely is Doug's" I  said Evie. "I already told him the same thing but he wouldn't believe me" Evie said. "dada" we  heard a small voice. I gave David to Mal and picked Lia up."so are we behaving now" I asked her and she just buried her face in my neck. "when did she learn to say dada which I assume means dad" Carlos asked. "she just said it today I mean she already says a lot like beba for baby, issi for kiss and yum yum when she's hungry but dad was just today" "for 10 months that's a lot" Lonnie said. Lia lifted her head and reached out to Mal "mama" "mommy can't pick you up right now baby look this is your cousin David" Mal said and showed the baby to her. she looked at him not really understanding what she should do with that information. Mal sat down on the chair and I sat next to her with Lia on my lap. "see that is Evie's baby" "beba" she said and pointed at David. "that's right that's a baby" she giggled and reached over to David. "careful Lia be gentle" she reached for his hand and held it in hers and babbled something."yes his hand is tiny right" just then we saw a flash. we looked up and saw that Evie took a picture of the four of us. "oops sorry I couldn't resist that scene was just too cute" we laughed and Lonnie and jane said "I can't wait until we will some day show them our baby then" "aha do you have something to tell us" "no that will not happen before marriage but then we will have a cute scene like this again" we nodded and turned our attention back to Lia and David. "mama issi" Lia said pointing to her cousin. "do you want to give him a kiss" she nodded and I placed her on the floor helping her stand. Mal held David so that Lia could reach him."there now you can kiss his forehead right there carefully ok baby princess" she carefully kissed his forehead and then looked at Mal smiling. "mama beba issi" she said and pointed at herself. "yes I saw that you gave him a little kiss on his forehead" "aww that's just cute if only we could understand her the way you do" "if you spend every day with her you know what she means" "I thought  she said that you should also give him a kiss" "no then she would have said beba mama iss" "ok.." 
"mama dada beba" "oh now I think I understood that she asked if you two are going to have a baby too" "yes you did understand that" "and what is the answer to that question" "so baby girl we already have you but mommy and daddy will have another baby just not now" "then when is that time" "well we agreed to try once she's a year old" "that means soon in two months actually" "yes"

An hour later we left Evie and David and were at home again and ran into my parents. "oh hey you're back so how was it" "it was great Lia had a tantrum at first but it was not that bad and we got these great photos" I said and showed the photo that Evie already sent us of Lia holding David's hand and kissing his forehead. "aww she's gonna be a great big sister one day" "she will but right now it already nap time so let's go get you into bed" Mal said and walked off to lay her down for her nap.

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