Chapter 3

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Song: "Boyz with fun/ Fun boys - BTS"

(Y/N) POV:

"The guys sitting next to us..." Joy whispers next to me. I can't tell if she's nervous or excited."...they look like Namjoon and Jin"

This girl... she knows I'm not stupid. It's not even April 1st.

"Joy they're just Korean men it's not April Fools. I'm not stupid they're not who you think they are." I told her with a slight roll of my eyes.

I look at the two men. Well, yes, they look like Namjoon and Jin but of course they aren't.

"Besides, if it were them, where are the others huh?" I told her. My gaze kept on her. She looked at them and back at me with a slightly embarrassed face.

"See, I'll show you." I leaned over Joy and tapped on of them on the side of the arm. (Keep in mind you're both currently speaking English.)

"Sorry to interrupt but my friend here thinks that you're RM and Jin from BTS. I won't be surprised if you don't even know who they are."

I could feel his body stiffen. Maybe he's shy and I sort of scared him.

"Eh uh BTS oh no we're not BTS they are differentue people..." The guy who I DIDN'T ask replied. He had broad shoulders. The one who I originally asked said:

"No, we aren't this Namjoon or Jin person. We are different people. Bighit would never use us right Jin?"

"Yes yes" the broad shoulder guy said.

Well, I think I've just caught them out! I've found two of the members of BTS. The guys who I always look at on my phone. Will I faint? Maybe! Ahh, gotta stay calm. Relax, (Y/N), relax...

Okay so I know they're from BTS because otherwise how would they know about BigHit if they "aren't this Namjoon or Jin person".


For now, I'll pretend I believe them. I'll text Joy so they can't see what I'm saying.

"See, Joy? They're just other people who simply want to get to South Korea!" I slap her shoulder playfully then do the quickest wink ever. I think she was going to disagree but realised that I winked. "Ah, uh, yeah! Sorry to disturb you!" she tries her best to do a fake smile but sort of fails.

I quickly get my phone and text her.

You: Okay they ARE Namjoon and Jin, how do they know about BigHit?

Joy: IKR!! Oh my god I can't breathe Namjoon is sitting next to me huircedxwwjesjsj

You: I wanna ask for a photo or autograph or something but I feel bad...

Joy: Yes I kind of feel awkward too, there's no armrest between us and our arms are rubbing against each other 😅

You: Well, I hope nothing awkward happens...

Joy: Yaa

I turn off my phone and look over to Joy's situation. She's blushing a lot and she looks so awkward! Somehow Namjoon has slept already.

 I thought Grandpa Yoongi was the sleepy one, Jeez!

 Then, the pilot talks through a mic.

"Hello, welcome to Korean Air (it's an actual company) and today I'll be taking you to Seoul. I hope the journey is smooth and short. Please enjoy." the pilot sounded so bored. RIP Pilot guy ????-2018

Then, a female flight attendant takes over.

"We will be coming around with pretzels and some refreshing drinks. Please have a look in our magazine for gifts you can purchase. Meals will be served in half an hour. Thank you~"

Well that was quick. Soon after some lady demonstrated the health and safety precautions and such in a life jacket.

I'm so happy I got food at the airport. The plane food isn't really...tasty. Cheap sushi is better than that stuff.

I could feel the plane moving. We're going to take off! Yeah! I'm so excited but I could tell that Joy wasn't. As I remember, she was scared of flying. I gripped her hand tightly.

"It's okay! Besides, if we get through this, we get to be in SEOUL!!" I told her, trying to get the mood brighter. It seemed to work. Ahh, friendship is beautiful.


Me and Joy texted for a while. 

Suddenly, the plane shook for a bit. Probably going through clouds.

"EEEK!" Joy screamed (luckily quietly). At the same time, the shake of the plane seemed to have pushed Namjoon's sleeping head onto Joy's shoulder. Her face got even reader than her face. I knew that she was mentally screaming, it was easy to tell.

Joy POV:

RM's head suddenly lopped onto my shoulder.



Oh.. god. I have THE RM's head on my shouder. HIM. THAT FAMOUS GUY. YEP.


(Y/N) POV:

After eating, I realised I needed to go to the toilet. Of course, the plane has some, which is good.

Plus, I'm on the end of my row, so I won't have to awkwardly step over peoples feet. I was going to, but the flight attendants trolley was blocking my way...


Well, I have no choice. At least Joy, Jin and Namjoon are sleeping. And they all pushed their seats back so there would be more space for me, I guess. I put my shoes back on, take off my seat-belt and get up. Did any of my sounds wake them up? Joy is a light sleeper... nope. Seems okay. 

I slowly lift one of my (very long) legs up. Then, I slowly place it between Joy and Namjoon's legs. Phew, that's okay. I decide to do crab steps, so I twist my body around so the back of me was facing them. I gently put my hands on the top of the seat above.

Now, step two. I move my legs to the side, so, that my legs are on the outside of both of Jin's. One more step and there would be freedo-

BOOM! The plane jolts forward a bit, but luckily not enough to make it crash. But unluckily, the force of the plane had seemed to make Jin's head get thrown into my... buttocks.

My face flames up with red and I slowly look behind me. How is Jin still sleeping? It's not like he's Yoongi! Well, it's better than he's awake, right? I look to the side and Joy is still sleeping. Good. But... Namjoon isn't. He seems to realise the situation I'm in but doesn't know how to help. I take a deep breath. Calm down, (Y/N). I put my hands gently on the sides of Jin's head and begin to move him back, while I try to stay in my position.

Suddenly, Jin's eyes open.



What an awkward situation! Poor us/(Y/N)!

What do you think will happen next? Do you think Jin's reaction will be...bad?

I'll see you in the next chapter! :D

Also, don't worry guys! EXO and SEVENTEEN will definitely be in this book. Just not until later. Same goes for the time when YOU become an IDOL...

I'M the idol? | Reader x BTS x EXO x SEVENTEENWhere stories live. Discover now