Chapter 18

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Song: 'Give it to me - Agust D'

Filming day today!


(Y/N) POV:

Well, here I am, standing in the middle of the set surrounded by cars on fire.

"Alright, we'll take that again. Action!" The director tells me. I started walking around the set again, mouthing/saying the lyrics quietly. I climb onto a car and crouch, doing rap gestures that I often see other musicians doing in their music videos. I hope I'm doing it right.

(The music video is going to be like "Agust D - Give it to me". Except the lyrics are different, of course. Also, the outfit it pretty much the same but you'll be wearing a bandanna and have different hair. Right now you're at about 0:49. Also please imagine that in this story Yoongi hasn't created the 'Agust D' songs yet.):

I sit down, and continue the mouthing.

"Cut!" The director tells me. I nod. There is a cut here because after this you'll be in a different outfit, and sitting in front of the car. (Around 1:02 in the video.)

"Break!" the director says, and all the camera men, makeup artists and other workers go off to get their 30 minutes of rest.

"(Y/N), you looked so cool!" Chen tells me excitedly.

"Thanks." I smile.

"I'm quite excited to see the finished version." Mingyu says.

"Yeah, I'd like to see how it works out. They said it'll take a few days to edit, so I don't know when it'll come out." I tell them.

I was happy that some of them actually came to watch, considering they were busy. The ones who had came were: Chen, Kyungsoo, Kai, Mingyu, Vernon, Jeonghan and Jihoon. Unfortunately, BTS had a fan-meeting.

I had a chug of my water, then folded the plastic cup and disposed of it.

"Any suggestions of what we want for dinner before I go shopping after this?" I ask, because the cupboard was nearly empty of normal ingredients for general food like flour, sugar, vinegar, spices etc.

"We should go to a restaurant to celebrate (Y/N)'s start in her career!" Jihoon says, very excitedly.

"Sounds good." Mingyu nods.

"I'd like to go to a restaurant." Kyungsoo agrees.

"What about a Korean barbecue restaurant?" Kai suggests. That seems to make everybody even more excited.

"Can you use chopsticks? Have you eaten Korean Barbecue?" Asks Chen.

"Yes, yes. I've eaten at a restaurant in Shinjuku (part of Tokyo) quite a few times. When I was still in (Y/C), I used chopsticks on a daily basis. I'm sure they'll have forks just in case anyway." I told them.

"What were you doing in Japan?" Jeonghan was very curious about this.

"Some of my family live there." (I decided for this book it would be interesting if the reader was half Japanese. Of course, most of you probably aren't. It's just for imagination. If you're completely Japanese, I guess you can choose another race to be half of!)

They look confused.

"I'm half Japanese."

"OHHHHHH." Chen realises, very loudly. Some workers nearby look at us strangely. I slap him on his arm.

"You're so loud! If you stay quiet while we're filming, you can scream as much as you want when we get home, okay?" I plead. The other members nod. (I know there's a lot of nodding in this book, please bare with me >.<) Chen pouts but then that turns into a smirk.

Chen POV:

(Y/N) slaps my shoulder. yEowCh, but I still like it when she touches me. I get that fuzzy feeling. I don't even like her though. She's not my type, although she's still a great friend.

"You're so loud! If you stay quiet while we're filming, you can scream as much as you want when we get home, okay?" She tells me. Alright, mum. Hehe. Since when was she the boss of the house though? Oh well. It's still a deal.

"Are you sure you want to make that deal?" I ask, feeling devilish.

"Y-yes?" she's probably regretting it now.



(Y/N) POV:

A bead of sweat rolled down my forehead and I chugged down TWO cups in a row this time. It really gets hot when you're close to fire, I thought it was all going to be edited in.

"Alright! That's it!" The director yells after he gives us our third break. Workers begin to flood out of the area, going home. Phew, it's over. Though it was quite fun doing the filming.


It was the ride home, hooray! I had actually came on a taxi, and didn't expect the seven boys to come. From what I've heard, they all got into one of the big family cars. It fits seven people in it. Must've been a bit squished, just about getting them all in- considering the boys are fit and have slightly broad shoulders.

Vernon slid open the door, and everybody scattered in. Kyungsoo was in the driving seat, Chen on the seat next to him. In the next row, Jeonghan and Mingyu. The final row was the back row, so it was just like one long, stretched out chair. Left to right, it was Kai, Vernon then Jihoon. I was bending over slightly in the cars left doorway, my feet nearly touching Kai's. Everybody was just waiting for me to sit. Then, I realise there was no more seats left. Oh, it's like one of the cliches were the girl sits on one of their laps? That ain't happening, thank you very much. I'm probably going to crush their thighs if I do anyway *sigh*.

"Well, aren't you going to sit down?" Kai asks. He intertwines his two hands and puts them behind his head while sitting down like all boys do, spreading his legs out. Kai smirks. Oh, pervs. Tut, tut, tut.

"Well, *annoying mimic voice on that word* budge up." I tell him, trying to get in between the car wall and his body. As if it were on purpose (cough cough), he stretches his legs out to make literally no space.

"Seems like you're going to have to sit on someone lap! Oh no!" Kai annoyingly states, as if I didn't know already.


"That lap can be mine, (Y/N), if Kai is annoying you." Vernon suggests out of nowhere.


Cliff *clap* hanger *clap* -ish. *clap*

We'll see what happens next chapter. ;))

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