Chapter 14

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Two hundred reads~

I'm so happy! Thank you readers for reading my book, and sorry for not updating for the past few days. For private reasons, I wasn't able to.

Also, if you want more 'moments' with one or two members (like Kai and Baekhyun) ask me. I'll make sure to consider it.

Don't worry, you'll soon be doing 'idoly' stuff.

Let's get into it...


(Y/N) POV:

"Alright alright what do you want me to do..." I ask, while putting my hands up to surrender.

"Well..." Baekhyun says, glancing at Kai.

"You have to tell the rest of EXO that we're your bias's." Kai commands proudly, grinning. I just shake my head.

"I can if you want, but when Joy comes round they'll probably ask her and she knows the truth, so... I don't see much point. Anyway, I'm sleepy. See you thirsty boys in the morning~" I smirk at them and walk back to my bedroom.


Jeeeeeez, what are they thinking? I lie on my bed, staring back up at the ceiling. I wonder what I should make for breakfast...

Without knowing it, you doze off.


Jihoon POV:

It was around 10:30 am, and most people were awake. Everyone except (Y/N), and we were hungry. None of us could cook as good as her. Suho from EXO already tried to make something but nearly burned the whole building down in the process.

"(Y/N), please wake up!" Wonwoo knocks on her bedroom door while me, Vernon and Hoshi wait for a reply. There's not a single sound coming from the room.

"Should we walk in or..." Hoshi asks.

"Don't think we have much choice, do we?" Vernon replies with a small sigh.

"(Y/N), we're coming in..." I say, twisting the doorknob and slowly opening it.

(Don't worry it won't be like that Doki Doki game, if you even know what it is...)

Well, at least she wasn't naked or something. Somehow her blanket ended up on the floor, her pillow was on top of her head, covering her face and she was in a position like she was trying to be a starfish or trying to hug the bed. We could hear quiet snoring. It was just about audible. Vernon walked up to her and tapped her shoulder.

"(Y/N), please wake up..." He asks pleadingly.

"Oink..." (Y/N) replies and Wonwoo snorts, trying to hide his laughter.

"(Y/N), you're not a pig, please get up..." Vernon asks again, almost begging.

"N-nuh... I ain't no p-pig, I'm an i-idol..." (Y/N) sleep talks.

"And I g-get to live with th-the most f-fucking attractive b-boys... hehehehehe..." she starts to laugh strangely, which slowly fades out into mumbles.

"Does she really think of us like that?" Hoshi asks, a bit of pink on his cheeks. We hear a snort and (Y/N) immediately jolts up.

"I'M AWAKE BOII!" she yells.

"What are you doing.. watching me slee-" and she falls back into her bed again. Hoshi walks over to her bed, and starts shaking her shoulders roughly.

"Wake up! Please!" He nearly begs. Still no reaction.

"How are we supposed to wake her up?" I ask impatiently. Then, the door slams open and bangs against the wall. A Chen with two frying pans stands there, in the doorway. As he sets one foot into the room, he starts bashing the pan

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