Part 7 - Breakfast

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The sunlight streaming into the room started to slowly wake me up. When I realised that I was in Mark's bed, with him still sleeping in my arms, a big and idiotic smile found its way onto my face. It was hard to refrain myself from slapping myself and hiding my face in my hands, but I was afraid that any movement could wake him up.

I looked down at Mark, who was still in the same position from when we fell asleep, except his hands were now balled up in fists, grabbing tightly onto my shirt. His hair looked a little messy, and even fluffier than usual, making me want to run my fingers through it. He just looked so fucking adorable with his hair like that. It felt safe to say that Mark was the cutest sleeper in the universe.

His lips were slightly parted, and somehow looked really soft. I caught myself wanting to lean down my head and lightly press my lips onto his. I felt my face slowly becoming red, and I was suddenly very much awake. Mark was extremely cute and handsome, I knew that, but I had never wanted to actually kiss him before. I decided to get out of bed before I would do anything crazy.

I carefully lifted my arm that was around him, and placed my hand on his balled up fists, trying to loosen his grip on my shirt. After some fidgeting around of mine and his fingers, he let go of my shirt, but instead grabbed onto my hand, still sleeping deeply. He had one hand tightly on my wrist, while the other had its fingers entangled in mine. I noticed how our hands fit together perfectly.

He brought our hands up to his face, and I could feel his soft and steady breath on my skin, making me smile widely again. He then put my hand up to his mouth, and felt his lips smiling against the back of my hand. I though I might actually die of happiness.

Even though I kind of wanted to stay like this forever, I knew I had to get up sooner or later. I also wanted to make delicious breakfast for this cutie. I pulled away my arm from under his neck, and tried to loosen his hands from mine. "Mmm Jackson," he mumbled quietly, slightly furrowing his eyebrows and pouting his lips.

I looked up for a second, praying to whatever God out there, to help me in this difficult situation. I couldn't give into it, I had mentally made it my life's mission to get up out of bed and start making the most epic breakfast. I looked down at Mark again, and quietly spoke to him, both wanting to ask him to let go of me but also not wake him up.

"Mark...?" I started carefully. "Hmm" he replied, eyes still closed. "I um... could you please let go of me? I need to get up". Mark suddenly let go of my hands and put his arms and legs around me, hugging me tightly. He nuzzled his face into my shirt and with a sleepy voice said "No". Even though this was getting even more difficult for me, I couldn't help but smile. How could someone be this cute?

"I'll make you breakfast, okay?" I tried to convince him. "Okay" said a muffled-against-my-shirt-voice that came from Mark. But he didn't let go, so I resorted to sitting up on the bed, taking him up with me. He was now practically sitting on my lap, arms wrapped around my neck, legs around my waist, eyes still closed.

I untangled his arms from behind my neck, and carefully let him fall back on the bed. He shifted around, legs letting go of my waist, and curled up in a little ball, hugging the blanket. I got up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom. Before I entered, I looked back at a sleeping Mark, while probably smiling like an idiot. "You like deep fried strawberries, right?" I asked him, testing if he was still awake. "Yeah" he mumbled in reply. I took that as a no to being awake.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I got out of the bathroom, briefly looked at Mark, who was now sleeping soundly, and walked out of the room and towards the kitchen. Judging from how clean it was, I realised I was the first one awake in the apartment. Alright, how the fuck do I make breakfast.

I decided on pancakes, since I knew how to make those, and I quickly ran to the shop to get some strawberries and whipped cream, since the idea of strawberries wasn't actually bad. When I returned, I got out all of the ingredients and started cooking. I was sort of anxious to see if Mark would like it.

I was in the middle of making some fresh orange juice, when Youngjae walked in. "Ooohh, that looks really nice!" he said, pointing at the small pile of pancakes. "Thanks" I laughed awkwardly. I had slightly forgotten the fact that me and Mark weren't the only two people here, and it might look weird if I were making breakfast for him. I decided to just make breakfast for everyone, since I had enough ingredients anyway. I also mentally slapped myself in the face.

While Youngjae excitedly helped making orange juice while I was making more pancakes, Jaebum entered the room as well, looking slightly taken aback at the sight. "You guys..." he started "are you making breakfast for everyone?" he asked, genuinely sounding confused. "Yeah, it was totally Jackson's idea!" Youngjae said happily. "Yeah... haha" I added awkwardly.

The next person to enter was Jinyoung, who looked surprised for a second and then shook his head, laughing at the sight of us three carefully cutting strawberries. He sat down at the breakfast bar, where we were making everything, and took over the cutting of the strawberries, since we were doing it wrong and he could do it better.

Another pile of pancakes later, we heard someone scream, and a few minutes later Yugyeom and Bambam walked in, as we had suspected. Bambam looked like he had just seen a ghost and Yugyeom couldn't stop laughing. Jinyoung gave Bambam a strawberry and patted him on the head, like a good mother. The two then saw what we were making and got really excited, Bambam's mood lifting immediately.

Everything was finished, and we were just putting out plates and cups, when finally Mark walked in, still looking a bit sleepy. He widened his eyes in surprise, and then a smile started to appear on his face. He looked up to find me, and when our eyes met he gave me a warm smile, as if to say thank you. I smiled back at him, as it turned out he did like it.

Even though this breakfast hadn't turned out the way I had planned it, this was actually better. Although they probably didn't realise it, the other members had helped me do something nice for Mark, and I felt like he really needed something like this. And judging from the twinkle in his eyes and the small smile on his face while he ate, he really appreciated it. The others also seemed to like eating such a nice breakfast together, and the mood was really cheerful and bright.

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