Part 18 - Pizza pizza~

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Mark was being absolutely adorable and I felt like I needed to protect him at all costs. I was going to do whatever it takes to make this cinnamon bun happy. I was going to take care of him, making sure he ate enough, slept enough, did exercise without overworking himself, and would take a shower every day. Maybe together with me. I mean, it would be convenient, logistically speaking, and let's not forget that it would save water which is good for the environment!

He was currently cuddled up against me, with his arm around my stomach and his head resting on my chest. We were just laying there in silence, both smiling like idiots. He carefully moved his head up, and placed a soft kiss on my neck. I instantly felt myself blushing furiously and my heart beating faster. "Hey, you better not make any trouble" I said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear.

He let out the most adorable giggle, and I felt his lips smiling against my skin. "I promise I won't" he said, almost a whisper. He then proceeded to leave a trail of little kisses from just beneath my ear all the way down to my collarbone. "You taste nice" he said "And I like you a lot" he added cheekily, giving me a sweet smile before going back to cuddling me. I felt so happy I thought I would start floating into the sky any second now.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, and Mark let go of me and sat up with messy hair and a slight pout. I sat up as well and smiled at him, ruffling my hand through his hair and messing it up even more before standing up to answer the door. He quickly straightened his hair and stuck out his tongue at me playfully. At the door was Jinyoung, once again ruining my life.

"We're ordering pizza, what do you guys want?" he asked. All of a sudden my negative feelings towards him went away. "Four cheeses for me, how about you, Markipooh?" I asked, while turning my head to look at him. His expression of surprise combined with slight confusion was the cutest thing. "Uhh, pepperoni for me I guess" he answered, to which Jinyoung replied with a nod and a smile before saying "The kids want to watch a movie while we eat, you guys should join us."


After giving Jinyoung a nod and saying something about taking care of the blankets, Jackson closed the door again and started rummaging through the closet. I just watched him while I was still sat on the bed, feeling slightly disappointed that we couldn't just cuddle. But I figured that even if we wouldn't watch a movie with the others we'd still have to come out of our room at some point to eat the pizza.

Jackson found what he was looking for and turned to me with a smile that was barely visible from behind the pile of blankets he was holding. However his smile quickly turned into a frown. "What's wrong?" he asked, putting down the blankets and sitting next to me. "It's nothing" I replied, trying my best to look neutral. "Come on, you can tell me" he said, putting his arm around me and rubbing my shoulder with his thumb.

I leaned into his embrace and let out a small sigh. Well this is embarrassing. "I just wanted to cuddle with you, but I guess we can't around the others" I said, almost a mumble. Jackson laughed cutely, bringing up his hand to my hair and placing a kiss on the top of my head. "We can still cuddle Markipooh, did you forget that we are Markson? Only the best couple of GOT7? And like everyone is so gay in our group, we all cuddle and kiss each other on the cheek at some point."

I couldn't help but laugh at his last comment, because even if we weren't gay we sure acted like it. "You're right, but what if they get suspicious because... I don't know... We're a bit... different now?" I questioned, sitting up straight and looking directly at him. A mischievous smirk started to form on his lips and he moved closer to me until he was close enough to kiss me. "We'll just have to be discreet about it then" he whispered, making me blush within 0.3 seconds.

"Come on, we'll be fine" he said while standing up and grabbing my hand to pull me along with him. I took a deep breath and followed him into the living room while he carried the huge pile of blankets on his free arm. The three youngest members were sat on the floor and fighting over which movie to watch, Jaebum sat behind them on the couch, pretending not to really care but voicing his opinion every now and then. Jinyoung was in the kitchen preparing drinks and snacks.

I let go of Jackson to go and help Jinyoung with carrying everything to the living room, and maybe also to not be suspicious to stick to Jackson all the time. Jinyoung greeted me with a grateful smile and told me to bring the drinking glasses. I looked over at Jackson, who was enthusiastically telling everyone that he'd brought the blankets and then proceeded to putting them on the others one by one, even if they refused. I laughed quietly and shook my head.

Yugyeom suddenly stood up and ran up to Jinyoung. "Mom, make us popcorn please~" he said cutely while hugging the other and earning a smile before getting hit. "All right, I'll make it for you guys" Jinyoung replied dryly. "Thank you, I love you~" Yugyeom said while making a heart by putting his arms over his head with his hands coming together in the middle. Jinyoung looked up at him as if he was going to hit him again, so Yugyeom pretended not to notice and happily went back to where Youngjae and Bambam were sitting.

Jackson was currently sitting next to Jaebum on the couch, putting another blanket on him and explaining how soft and awesome the materials were. Jaebum was smiling but his eyes were definitely not. To prevent anything bad from happening I sat down on the other couch and asked Jackson about my blanket, to which he happily came over to my side with a purple fleece blanket and another one with coloured polka dots.


After putting two blankets over the two of us, I decided that this spot next to Mark would remain mine for the evening. While the others were still picking the movie and Jinyoung was making popcorn, I carefully searched for Marks hand under the blankets, a smile creeping its way on my face when I found it and he intertwined his fingers with mine.

It didn't take long for the pizza to arrive, and soon everyone was sitting down in front of the TV after the movie was finally decided on. Jinyoung had decided to sit in between Yugyeom and Bambam to prevent them from making too much of a mess, and Youngjae and Jaebum sat next to each other, sharing a big blanket. And even though I was paying more attention to Mark and the way he drew cute little circles on my hand with his thumb, I felt really warm and happy for being together with the members like this.

Despite the fact that the two maknaes kept throwing popcorn at each other while getting hit by Jinyoung who was getting tired of their shit, we were all enjoying the movie and delicious food, while making stupid comments on what was happening on screen. About forty-five minutes in, Youngjae had fallen asleep on Jaebum's shoulder, to which Mark quietly commented that it was adorable how Jaebum had pulled up the blanket to cover Youngjae more warmly.

Mark was sitting on my lap and cuddled up to me, his arms tightly hugging my waist while he rested his head against my shoulder, his hair tickling my face. I had my arms around him as well and pulled him even closer. His breathing was slow and steady, and I looked down at him to see he had fallen asleep as well. I smiled widely, thinking Mark was the cutest person in existence.

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