Part 21 - "Do me!"

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While Jackson took a quick shower himself, I went into the kitchen to find myself something to eat. The task turned out to be more difficult than it should have been, since my mind was constantly on Jackson and the fact that he was naked right now, and the fact that I had seen him naked yesterday. And kissed him. Several times.

If the fridge could talk it would probably start yelling at me to just pick something, dammit. I quietly apologised to the fridge for opening and closing the door so many times and leaving it open for too long every time. I turned around, and Jinyoung, who had come out of his bedroom for breakfast as well, gave me a questioning look. I decided to ignore him, until I looked down at my hands and saw I had only taken out a single carrot from the fridge.

"I just felt like eating one, stop judging me" I said, to which Jinyoung just shrugged and walked past me to grab some food for himself. I sat down on the couch and reluctantly took a small bite from the carrot. I never liked vegetables in the morning. I much preferred cereal or fruit. But since I was stubborn and didn't want to explain myself to Jinyoung, I finished eating the carrot anyway. When he wasn't looking, I quickly grabbed an apple and ran back to my room.

When I was halfway through my apple, Jackson finished showering and came out of the bathroom. And of course he was only wearing a towel around his waist. Subconsciously I rolled my eyes at the fact that of course my stomach was feeling funny. Jackson grinned at me and quickly made his way over to me, and pecked my lips playfully. I cursed him internally. And then took it back.


For some reason, Mark was acting a bit different today, but it was extremely adorable. It made me want to kiss him and hug him even more and make him feel flustered. It was a bit selfish, but I just couldn't help myself. The colour of Marks cheeks when he blushed was my new favourite colour. And it made me extremely happy.

While still just wearing a towel and not caring about it, I bent down again to kiss Mark. Our lips seemed to know their way around each other better now, and he tasted delicious. Mark put his hand behind my neck and pulled me down onto the bed with him. I happily complied and carefully hovered above him while deepening our kiss. Something definitely felt differently about Mark and I loved it.


Even though it hadn't been the first time, me kissing him, and him kissing me, it still felt like our first. My stomach was filled with butterflies while my heart did somersaults and my cheeks became cherries. That was until Jaebum knocked on our door and said "We're leaving in ten minutes". We broke our lips apart and Jackson gave me a look. His eyes twinkled and his lips formed a mischievous grin.

In a low voice, he said "Ten minutes? I'd say that's enough time for us to-". "Shut the fuck up, Jackson" I interrupted him, realising my face had never felt so hot. Jackson bursted out in laughter and said "I'm sorry Markipooh, I'm just kidding" while he laid down next to me and hugged me close. Letting out an awkward but relieved laugh, I replied "Yeah, of course, I knew that". "You're cute" Jackson simply stated and kissed me lightly on the cheek before getting up and looking around for clothes.

After catching my breath and calming down, I got dressed as well, and not long after we were both ready to go. We headed to the studio first, and went through our schedule for the day. After preparing gifts for our fans, we would have a fanmeeting where we would play some games and probably accidentally spoil the upcoming album. I was quite looking forward to this. Our fans were so cheerful and loving, and after what had happened, I could really use their encouragement and kind words.

We were all sat on the floor of the practise room, drawing on paper cups which we filled with sweets for the fans we were meeting later. We were all laughing and singing along with the loud music that was playing. Yugyeom and Bambam completely lost their chill when 'Bang Bang Bang' came on by BigBang, immediately getting up and dancing and screaming the lyrics. When "Loser" came on, Youngjae and Jackson made everyone laugh by imitating how Bambam had covered the song.

The cups were getting decorated and filled, even though some of the designs seemed pretty questionable. Bambam tried to draw a moose, but it ended up looking more like a misshapen tree, or maybe a table with wings. Jinyoung drew all the members as little characters on a single cup, which was pretty impressive. Youngjae kept drawing little flowers and hearts, bless his precious soul. Jaebum's art was pretty abstract, but I figured the fans would probably appreciate it anyway.

Jackson suddenly stood up and walked towards me with the widest grin. He sat down next to me and showed me the cup he had drawn on. It was what looked like a little yellow bear and a pot of honey, and then a lot of pink hearts drawn all over. "Look, it's you!" He said excitedly. And then, to emphasise his statement, he wrote "Mark the Pooh" above the bear. I couldn't suppress a stupid giggle, and playfully punched his arm. "You're a dork" I said, earning a proud smile from Jackson.

"Do me, do me!" he requested enthusiastically. "I don't think now is appropriate, maybe later?" I teased, taking revenge for what he had done to me back home. Jackson looked slightly taken aback before his playful smile found its way back to his lips. "Oh shut up, you know what I mean" he said. "Alright, fine, I'll draw you" I laughed. "Draw me like one of your French girls" he teased playfully. "Only if you pose" I teased back.

I shouldn't have said that, because next thing I knew, Jackson started taking off his shirt and I was only just able to stop him by throwing my arms around his waist and tightly hugging him. I was afraid that the other members would look at us weirdly, but apparently they had been following our conversation and were now laughing and seal-clapping at Jackson's behaviour. I laughed along with them and let go of Jackson, who was laughing as well and subtly gave me a small wink. I desperately prayed I wasn't blushing.


I sincerely hoped the others didn't notice how Mark was blushing a little. But just in case they did, my mind was racing to come up with excuses to explain his adorable rosy cheeks. However, the colour of his cheeks was all I could think about, instead of coming up with plausible excuses. I felt like I was a bad boyfriend for not being able to do something this simple for him. I quietly giggled at the word. Boyfriend. The happy feeling in my chest was close to making me explode.

After everyone settled down again, I quietly watched Mark from across the room, as he picked up a new cup and started drawing on it with a concentrated expression. His serious face was the cutest, his eyebrows were slightly furrowed and his lips formed a small pout. I watched as his expression slowly changed from serious to playful, his frown disappearing and his lips forming a mischievous little smile.

He looked up at me and we immediately locked eyes, both of us breaking out into a wide grin. He stood up and walked over to me with his cup. When he sat down next to me, he handed over the cup to me with a playful smirk "Here, I drew you" he said. I looked and saw he had drawn me shirtless, with broad shoulders and very prominent abs, and a cocky expression. He also added lots of little stars around me, and my name written in English, Korean and Chinese.

"So this is what you think of me?!" I laughed. "Just abs?!" I continued in a mock-hurt tone. Mark just laughed, and Jinyoung, curious of what the fuss was about, came over to look at the drawing. I showed it to him, and he immediately burst out in laughter and said "This is exactly like you!" He then turned to Mark and said "Mark! You're really talented!" and gave him a high five before excitedly showing the drawing to the others (who agreed that it looked exactly like me).


Jackson turned to me, looking slightly defeated but still smiling nonetheless. In a quieter tone, so the others wouldn't notice, he asked "Is that really what you think of me?" I looked at him for a second, unable to hide a smile. "No... but I do think you're hot" I finally said. Jackson looked down at the floor, his lips curled in a shy smile. "Oh" he replied.

[A/N; Hey guys, how are you all doing? ^^ Sorry for not updating in so long again ;-; Basically my mind has been on other things, and I wasn't able to concentrate on writing, not sure why to be honest.. Also, I went to South Korea for like 3 weeks which was super fun lmao I already miss it and I wanna go back :') Are there any places you want to visit in the world? Or is there a place you really liked while traveling? I'd love to hear some of your stories! (Also if it's unrelated to traveling lol let's just chat ^^) Love you guys xx <3]

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