Part 19 - T-shirt and boxers

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After the movie ended, Mark was still asleep on my lap, his breaths slow and steady, his lips slightly pouting. It was the cutest thing and I couldn't help but smile. I was contemplating whether I would wake him up or just carry him to bed myself, although the latter was more appealing because one, it would be another excuse to have him in my arms and maybe sort of (but not really) accidentally fall asleep on the same bed, and two, he looked really peaceful, sleeping like this.

I looked over at Jinyoung, who had fallen asleep on Yugyeom and was getting popcorn placed all over him by a giggling Bambam. Yugyeom did his best not to laugh as to not wake his hyung, but I could tell it was difficult. Jaebum did not give a single fuck about what was happening to his friend, but instead was trying to wake up Youngjae, who was still resting heavily on his shoulder.

"Youngjae-ah~" he said cutely "Could you wake up please? Let's go to bed, yeah?". Youngjae moved a little, his mouth opening but eyes staying closed. "Hyung... you're not making any sense..." he said sleepily. Jaebum looked a bit confused, "What do you mean?" he asked. A slight frown appeared on Youngjae's face, but he still had his eyes closed. "You're telling me to wake up to go to sleep... That doesn't make any sense, hyung.."

Jaebum smiled at the cute little ball of sleepy fluff that was Youngjae, and explained to him that he meant it would be more comfortable sleeping on a bed rather than a sofa, to which Youngjae replied with a sleepy "Oh". Jaebum shook his head, smiling widely, and let out a sigh. He carefully shifted Youngjae off of him so he could stand up, and then proceeded to kneel in front of the couch with his back turned to Youngjae. "Come on, I'll carry you" he said. Youngjae hummed in agreement, barely opening his eyes, and climbed onto Jaebum's back.

While Jaebum carried a sleepy Youngjae to bed, Bambam and Yugyeom were whispering whether they should put a piece of popcorn in Jinyoung's mouth too. Bambam thought it would be hilarious, Yugyeom said it would wake him up for sure, and they would really be in trouble if he did. I grinned widely and told them they would get in trouble anyway eventually.

I decided it would be best for my own safety if I went to my room before Jinyoung would wake up and I would be caught in the middle of the chaos. I carefully untied Marks hands from my waist and put his arms around my neck. After shifting around a bit, I lifted Mark up bridal-style and carried him to our room after wishing the others a good night. The two youngsters were too busy with their popcorn contemplating that they hadn't noticed the fact that I was smiling like a fucking idiot because Mark was being sleepy Mark and Mark was fucking adorable.

Laying Mark down on the bed wasn't too difficult, but getting him to let go so I could get changed, was the hard part. "Markipooh..." I whispered softly "... just let me go for a second, okay? I will come back to you right away, okay?" Mark let out a sleepy moan and put his leg over me, as if it would make it harder for me to escape. I smiled and decided that desperate times called for desperate measures.

My first tactic was to softly blow in his face, making him scrunch up his nose in the most adorable way. "Mmm Jackson... why" he mumbled sleepily. I couldn't help but let out a small giggle. "Come on, let me get changed?" I asked again. "No, I'm sleeping, sleep with me" He replied dryly but it somehow made my heart skip a beat.

Before I could try to convince him by waking him up with kisses, a loud "YA!! COME HERE YOU BRATS!" could be heard from the living room, followed by running footsteps. My guess was Jinyoung had woken up and was now about to kill the kids for wherever they did end up putting that popcorn. Mark slowly opened his eyes and frowned.

"Why do I get the feeling someone's about to get murdered?" He asked sleepily while bringing up the back of his hand and rubbing his eyes. "Don't worry about it, they'll be fine" I answered. Mark finally let go of me to stretch his arms and let out the most adorable yawn. It reminded me of a small kitten. Like those really fluffy ones and then when they do that thing when they are about to go to sleep and they stretch out their paws and do the yawn and it's just the cutest thing- "What are you smiling about?" Mark asked while giving me a cute smile, interrupting my thoughts.

"The fact that you let go of me and I can finally go get changed" I replied quickly, taking the opportunity to jump up from the bed and look for a clean shirt. I turned around to see a sleepy Mark decide to do the same thing. I watched him take off his sweater and sweatpants, and put on a white shirt. He then proceeded to semi sleepwalk towards me with a sleepy but mischievous smile on his face.

"What are you up to?" I asked him, trying to ignore the fact that my cheeks turned red when he tugged at my shirt, as well as my heartstrings. "Come on, I'll help you get changed" he told me with a smile. I put my arms up to let him take my shirt off and internally cursed at my heart for beating so fast. I swear I was at risk of dying for what he did next.

He leaned in and softly kissed me on the cheek, and I could feel his lips smiling mischievously against my skin. He then left a trail of kisses down to my collarbone, where he paused for a second to leave a kiss that was slightly more inappropriate and made me lose my fucking mind. What made me even more crazy was him proceeding to kiss me down my chest, his hot breath making my skin tingle. When he reached all the way down to my stomach, I couldn't make out any of the thoughts that were racing through my mind.

Before anything else happened, he placed his fingers under the waistband of my sweatpants and pulled them down. He then stood up and gave me an innocent smile. "There you go, let's go to sleep" he said, taking my hand in his and pulling me to bed with him. I couldn't quite gather my thoughts at what had just happened but managed to say "What about a shirt?". Mark smiled at me and said "No need, I will keep you warm."

We got into bed and got comfortable, but I wasn't going to just let this go. "Hey Mark?" I started, "Yeah?" he replied, eyes already closed. "You're a fucking tease, you know that?" I said, smirking mischievously at him even though he wasn't watching. A small smile started to appear on his lips "Shut up and go to sleep Jackson" he replied. "See?" I countered, raising my eyebrows at him. He opened his eyes and said "Alright, what do you want me to do about it?" while giving me a wide grin.

"Kiss me properly" I said. Mark smiled at me in reply and shifted his position until he was sitting on top of me. He then leaned down and pressed his lips on mine, seeming more confident and his lips feeling soft and sweet. My stomach tickled slightly at the kiss and my face was heating up again. He broke the kiss apart and laid down next to me again after placing a soft kiss on my forehead. "How was that for a good night kiss?" he asked cheekily. "Perfect" I replied, and held him as close as possible to me before falling asleep.

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