Part 20 - You cute little thing

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I woke up just before him, a wide grin appearing on my face when I realised Jackson was still holding onto me tightly. He had his face nuzzled in the crook of my neck while his hot breath made my skin feel warm and tingly. The sunlight was lazily pouring into the room, and the birds were happily chirping outside, and Jackson looked absolutely adorable.

It was a bit strange actually, seeing him so peaceful and quiet, while normally he was the life of the party, but I somehow felt privileged to see him like this, so stunningly vulnerable. Not wanting to wake him up, I refrained myself from kissing him. Which was an incredibly hard thing to do, considering how gorgeous he looked, quietly breathing while his skin glowed in the morning sun.

I took this opportunity to simply look at him, taking in all his soft curves and sharp edges, and the way his skin had little imperfections here and there, in the shape of moles and small scars that were barely visible anymore. I realised I loved all of it, I loved every single inch of Jackson. Suddenly I heard him taking a deep breath, sounding as if he was waking up, so I quickly shut my eyes and pretended to be asleep.


When I woke up, Mark was still asleep. I smiled at his messy hair and adorable face. Without moving too much, I reached for my phone to see what time it was. 8:46 AM, almost time to wake up and go to the studio. I looked over at Mark again, contemplating whether I should wake him up yet. A probably idiotic looking smirk crept its way onto my face as I came up with a plan. I just hoped he wouldn't hit me or something.

Carefully shifting my position, I propped myself up on my elbow so I could have a better look at him. While I slowly leaned closer to him, I felt my heart beating faster and my stomach fluttering. My lips softly pressed a kiss on his cheek, lingering a bit longer than they normally would. When I pulled back, Mark was smiling cutely at me, his eyes squinting a little because of the sunlight directly shining on the bed.

"Morning Markipooh" I tried to say sweetly, immediately regretting it because my voice sounded groggy and far from attractive. He smiled at me nevertheless and I couldn't resist giving him a small kiss on the forehead. "Morning to you too" he giggled, a light shade of pink covering his cheeks. I smiled back at him and laid back down, pulling him close to me because he was just too cute.


Honestly, Jacksons voice in the morning did something to me. He sounded so fucking hot, I wanted to climb on top of him and kiss him while running my fingers through his hair. I wanted him to slip his hands under my shirt and draw little patterns on my back like he'd done before. I wanted to punch myself in the fucking face, which was getting redder and redder by the second.

"You okay?" he suddenly asked "You're blushing" he said, with the same damn voice that was going to send me to hell. I just nodded, Jackson letting out a little laugh which, holy shit, made something at the pit of my stomach flutter like crazy. "You sure?" he asked. "Yeah" I replied dryly, internally telling myself to stop the tomato transformation.

"Do you maybe think I look a little attractive right now?" he smirked, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Fuck no" I replied, almost too quickly. He was making me feel way too flustered for this early in the morning and I didn't know how much longer I could take it. "I'm gonna take a shower" I told him, and quickly got up, grabbed a towel and practically ran into the bathroom before he could say anything else.


While Mark was taking a shower, I got out of bed and put on a shirt before walking to the kitchen in search of some breakfast. When I entered the kitchen, Youngjae was standing at the counter half asleep, in the middle of eating what looked like leftover pizza wrapped around white rice. I was taken aback a little at his presence, almost having forgotten there were other people in this apartment.

I realised that waking up next to Mark made me feel like we were the only ones in the world, and I would temporarily forget that others existed. I blamed it on early morning brain too. I walked over to Youngjae and nudged him awake, after which he let out a surprised "Oh, good morning!". I wished him a good morning as well and watched for a while as he seemed to realise what he was eating and then decided against it, putting it in the fridge. He stared at the fridge for a while and then took the rice pizza roll out again and proceeded to eat his peculiar breakfast on the couch.

I shook my head and chuckled quietly, wondering how long he had been (half) awake for, and what he'd been up to last night for him to be almost falling asleep again every five seconds while eating his rice pizza roll. I looked for something to eat as well, and although it wasn't quite as creative as Youngjae's newest breakfast invention, I was quite happy with some cereal.

After I finished eating, I went back to the room, wanting to take a shower as well. However, Mark was still in the bathroom. I figured he would be done soon enough, so I sat on my bed and scrolled through my phone, smiling whenever a picture of Mark popped up. I looked at the comments on his Instagram and thought girl same whenever someone said he looked handsome or cute.


When I walked out of the bathroom, Jackson looked up at me with a mischievous smirk. "What took you so long?" he asked. It was a question I definitely didn't want to answer. "If I had known you were going to take so long I would've showered together with you" he stated, as if it was a normal thing to say. As if it didn't make the heat rise up to my cheeks again. As if it didn't make me want to punch him because oh god why did he have to be like this?

Jackson stood up from his bed and walked over to me, as if it wasn't going to give me a heart attack. He pulled me into a hug and said "Sorry about that, I made you blush again, didn't I?" he put one hand on my head, softly patting my hair. "You're so innocent, it's freaking adorable" he chuckled, while I just thought I was anything but innocent.

"Why are you like this?" I said under my breath, not expecting him to hear me. "Because you're too cute Markipooh" he replied, pulling back from the hug to face me, and putting both his hands on my cheeks. "You cute little thing" he simply said with a smile on his face. "I'm taller than you" I replied, trying to look annoyed at him but failing terribly as my cheeks were still the colour of cherries.

"Only by one centimetre" he countered "You are my cute little Markipooh, don't fight me on this" he said seriously before his frown turned into a smile again. He hugged me tightly again, squeezing my body against his. I just gave into it and smiled against his neck. His cute little Markipooh.

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