This is my... Home

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*Few days later* 

I woke up to see palm trees making its ways into town. Jackson looked back at me with the most bright smile ever. "Don't you just love the view?" He said, he had so much joy in his voice that it made me smile. I looked out my window and the wind made my hair go wild. He looked back at me and I smiled "Yeah it sure is.. I could get used to this" I said with joy. 

 My mom pulled into this fast food restaurant called Wiener-schnitzel. I admired all the people there, they had shorts and tank tops on and it just looked so different from Georgia as we pulled through the drive way. Hulk kept on barking at all the people. It made me so happy because Hulk was so excited, once his barks got annoying I started to rub his back and his barking died down. After we ate we headed back on the rode and my mom said we'd be at the new house in 15 minutes. I then got on my phone and noticed about thousands of texts from my friends, I mean not one thousand more like fift- you know what I mean. I then read them all. 

From Lynn: Hey!! Hows the new house? Txt me when you can -Lynn

From Jeff: Hey! I hope Cali is fun, Lynn is driving me crazy and she's in tears because your not here! Stay safe text me when you can -Jefferey 

From Jacob:  Lauren!! I'm sorry I didn't get to see you the day that you left but we can face time and stuff if you'd like?? -J 

From Asher- Hey girl!! I hope your having fun in Cali because here in Georgia its going to snow soon! Remember wear sunscreen and stay fit -Asher

From Lynn: Hey, I hope Cali is fun!! Stay safe - Lynn

From Lynn: Uhhh Laur are you avoiding me??

From Lynn: LAUREN?!

From Mare- Hi.. I hope you have fun in Cali you deserve it!!!-M

From Lynn: Please don't ignore me - Lynn

From Jake: Hey I hope Cali is fun! What city are you going to be in?-JJ

All these texts made me get a headache from staring at my screen for to long, but I just wrote to Lynn and said "Lynn chill I'm fine I just had a nap don't worry" and with that I shut my phone off and with seconds we turned down a road with mansions lining the streets then we pulled into a drive way and my jaw dropped "Welcome home!!" My mom exclaimed 

All these texts made me get a headache from staring at my screen for to long, but I just wrote to Lynn and said "Lynn chill I'm fine I just had a nap don't worry" and with that I shut my phone off and with seconds we turned down a road with mansio...

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"Mom how did you afford this?!" Jack asked sounding really surprised. "Well sweets if you must know I saved up money over the past years because I knew we were going to move eventually and when I found out you wanted to go to college in L.A,  I looked up houses in or near L.A. and this one was in my money range" she sang. "S-So this is my... home" I asked with a little sound of shock. "Yes Lauren this is your new home, wait scratch that it's our new home" my mom smiled in the rear view mirror. I got out of the car and my mom handed me the keys and I was on my way into the house and I saw the house. It was huge!!!  I walked into a room which was the kitchen. 

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