A million years ago.

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"Your dead do you hear me?! DEAD!",Logan yells and tears cascade down my cheeks.

"Logan. Darling,They weren't killed by my mother. They were killed by a vampire. Look at the teeth marks in their necks.",I whisper and he takes in a deep breath and tears start cascading down his tan bulgarian cheeks.

He picks me up bridal style and rushes us to our chamber with a frown and we land in bed;pressed tightly together.

"I'm so sorry Logan. I-I am so sorry i can't give you a normal family.",I say and he sighs.

"Sweetheart. Don't blame this on yourself. Whoever killed our babies messed with the wrong familia.",He says and i sigh.

"We can always try for other children. We can adopt.",I say and he chuckles lightly.

"Id rather just try for more children. At least we have fun that way,and if we can't;then we adopt children.",He says and i smirk falsely.

"Mm. I like the sound of that,but we are not to have sex until our children's funerals. It's in their honor that we do not get jolly's before mourning the loss of our babies.",I say and he nods softly.

"I agree completely.",He whispers and i smile softly at him and snuggle deeper into him.

End of remembrance**

"You and Logan had four children after that. Two twin girls and Two twin boys. Turned out that you weren't fully a vampire,and could get pregnant and logan surely loved that aspect.",My father says and i smile softly.

"Daddy,what happened to Logan and my babies?",I ask and he chuckles lightly at my question.

"Well. Your twin girls Isobella  And Blair and your twin boys Charles and Nate grew up to be turned into vampires and their still alive to this day. Logan is also still alive,but you both are happily engaged,and Alanna and Katrina's deaths were caused by my fathers hand.",He says and i smile at the first part of his explanation but then quickly frown.

"I've gotta find them,and talk to them.",I say and he smiles before pulling out an old wallet and opening it;revealing pictures of my children as grown adults;along with a picture of Logan;smiling brightly.

"Oh my god. They look identical to me and Logan.",I say with a tearful laugh.

"They call all the time,and ask how your doing. They love you and they even stop in from time to time,when your not around because i told them that i had to wait to tell you.",He says.

"I want to see Logan;if that's possible.",I say and he smirks and dials up a number on his phone and hands it to me once he answers.

Phone call**

A=Ariella, L=Logan

L:Hello? who's this?


L:Ariella? gah how long has it been? 2-300 years?

A:Yeah. I guess so... Uh listen, I'm just calling because my dad and mom made me remember you and our kids,and i wanted to know how you were.

L:I'm good. Uh I'm engaged to a wonderful girl;her names Marine. She's a vampire too. I'm a business man now;getting the bills paid the human way with a little help of compulsion.

Rose Petals(Tvd/True blood crossover.) Where stories live. Discover now