What a wonderful world

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Elena's Pov...
Three Hours Earlier**
"Hey Elena! Wait up!",Stefan says and I turn around to look at him with soft eyes.

Ever since I had broken up with him..our friendship had taken a really weird turn. He seemed less genuine when we were together but now..it's not. His care and concern is genuine,and sometimes I wish that I had never fallen for Damon Salvatore..because I had the good brother. The one that wouldn't make me bend my morals and values over and over again....

"Hey Stef. What's up?",I ask and he smiles softly before stepping closer towards me.

"I can't find Ariella anywhere and we need to talk about hers and Jason's vows.",He says and I grin brightly.

Ariella marrying Jason was the best thing to ever happen to Me. Damon finally wanted me,and I was so happy to have him..it just felt wrong to have him like this. She had him first but ditched him so quickly for Jason. A human. I never would've expected her to marry a human,but she always talked about being a "mommy" and having kids the right way.

"I'll go find her.",I say and I place a hand on his shoulder reassuringly;before walking off upstairs to find the bride to be.

I get to her room and see that the door is cracked and I see Damon standing there holding up something and I sigh softly.

"I just came to give you this.",He says and I see that it's a beautiful diamond necklace.

"Wow. I can't accept this Damon.",Ariella says;taking a step forward towards him to get a better look at the necklace. I smile softly at her reaction..silently thanking her for not taking away my opportunity.

"Yes you can. You're the closest thing I've ever had to love. Before my mom died...she gave me this necklace and told me that "whenever I found love." To give it to that girl. It's worth a thousand smiles and love forever. My father always hounded me to give it to someone of a "proper background" and I never really understood what he meant until I met you... Anyway kiddo,here's your necklace.",He says turning her around and clasping the necklace around her neck quickly.
I turn around quickly and walk down the stairs. Fury running its course through my body. How dare she take the one person I loved most away from me?

"Elena. Hey!",I hear someone say and I turn around to see Jason standing there..already dressed out;ready to commit to a woman who doesn't deserve his love.

"Jason. Hi.",I say and I give him a warm smile and he steps back quickly,and my eyebrows furrow together before I realize that there's someone standing behind me.

"Who are you looking at?",I ask before turning around;revealing Klaus and I take in a deep breath.

"Relax Elena. I'm not here for you. My daughter needs her father on her big day.",He says and I see his eyes soften and for the first time,I see a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"I-I'm so happy for her. She's going to look amazing.",I say and I walk off quickly to go find my seat for this disaster of a wedding.

*Two hours later.*

"Don't they look so happy?",Damon says and I roll my eyes quickly as I watch Ariella come down the stairs so gracefully.

She's always been the perfect princess. She's never done anything or anyone wrong. She's got a heart pure of gold and I honestly hate her for it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2019 ⏰

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