Hoarding your Love like a love song

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Damon's Pov...
    As soon as Ariella hits the ground and i rush towards her and put her head in my lap.

   "Baby. I promise to keep you safe. I promise to never let this happen ever again. I swear.",I say with tears in my eyes.

  Ariella's Pov...

"Baby. I promise to keep you safe. I promise to never let this happen ever again. I swear.",Damon says and my eyes flutter open and i see my father standing there in shock and i sit up quickly.

   "What happened?",I ask in shock looking down at the dagger still in my chest.

  "The Dagger must not work on you. which means you my dear,are a hybrid yourself.",He says with a smirk and i smile.

    "Which means you can't kill me.",I say and i look at Damon.

"You and Me really are forever.",I say with a smile and my father looks towards Damon.

   "Your my daughters suitor now?",He asks and Damon nods softly looking at me,fearlessly.

"Well. Never saw that one.",He says and he rushes towards us and grabs me quickly.

"You are not to speak to my daughter ever again. Do you understand me Salvatore.",He says and i rip my arm away from him.

  "You aren't doing this to me again Daddy.I refuse for you to rip every person i love away. I will not stand for it.",I say and walk towards Damon.

     "Stop standing there speechless Salvatore. Let's go.",I whisper and we rush off.

  *A year later*

"Well,Well. Look who it is. The Prodigy of that monster.",Someone says and i turn around to see Stefan Salvatore. My boyfriends brother who turned off his humanity;for my father.

    "Stefan. Please calm down.",I say and his eyes grow wider.

  "CALM DOWN? Your father put me through hell and back. I've killed people Ella. People i shouldn't have.,you've heard the stories,but yet you still let him do this to me. You're a heartless bitch.",He says and starts rushing towards me.

"Stefan. He wouldn't have listened to me. We haven't spoken in a year. I left his life. For all he knows is that i i could be dead and rotting somewhere,or captured. I'm not heartless,I just don't have the power anymore.",I say and his eyes soften.

    "Ella. I'm so sorry.",He says and i smile softly and i step back slowly,wary of him trying to fool me.

As soon as i step back  i'm wrapped in someone's arms and i turn around to see my father standing there.

"Let. Me. Go.",I demand and his grip tightens around me and i fight against him.

   "Daddy. Let me go.",I say starting to panic and cry.

"Ariella. I'm only holding you. Stop Panicking."He says and i start to cry harder.

  "Let. Go.",I say through the tears and he lets go of me and i start to rush away but Stefan grabs me and stops me and spins me into the middle of them.

"Why? Why are you doing this? Daddy. I thought you loved me. I mean i know i haven't honored you,but i thought you still loved me. I guess i was mistaken then. If i die here. Tell Damon i loved him and that it really was forever for us.",I say and i start to cry softly again.

    "Ariella. You aren't going to die today. I came here to confront you.",My father says.

"I came to tell you that I still care and that i'm always going to be your father and i hope you can forgive me one day.",He says and i nod and i turn to stefan and look at him with a weary look.

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