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No one's Pov:

Jesse looked terrible on the next morning. He wasn't sick, but his skin was slightly paler than usual, had dark circles under his eyes and once and awhile, he would yawn the entire day. It was obvious that he didn't get a single wink last night, for what reason, it was unknown for Petra. Beacon town wasn't that far away, but she was worried for Jesse's well being, so she made it clear that  the both of them were going to stay another night on the motel, despite Jesse's protest. It took Petra a couple of minutes and a threat to actually get Jesse to agree to take a nap.

Petra promised him to wake him up in an hour or two. She was currently sitting on the couch and watching her best friend taking his nap. It wasn't exactly the most exciting thing to do, but there was nothing else to do. She fed Lluna and there was really no point on hanging out with a llama for an hour. Besides, it was getting ugly outside as gray clouds covered the blue sky, thunder and lightning was taking the spotlight out in the sky. No doubt a thunder storm which will start in any moment now. She was so bored and all she could do was stare at Jesse's sleeping body or out the window and wait for drops of water to fall out of the sky.


Said girl's head snapped into reality as she looked at his sleeping body. She waited for a moment, and all she heard was his snores as he shifted his to his side and snuggled onto the pillow.

"Must be talking in his sleep." Muttered Petra as she rolled her eyes and held in a small giggle. Jesse looked ridiculously cute like this.

Cute didn't seem like the right word though. She ha-no, she will admit, that Jesse was no doubt attractive. It was warm today that he was sleeping only on his jeans with the blankets on the other side of the bed. It gave her a view she didn't expect to feel weak on the knees from her super close friend. He had muscles and scars that she never knew he had. No doubt were they there because of previous adventuring and fighting mobs. What would it give for a girl to be wrapped around those arms and have his bod-....

She suddenly shook her head. She shouldn't be thinking of such things about Jesse, especially if he was right next to her. They were only friends. Best friends. Super close friends. Their friendship was indestructible. They were so close that one would mistakenly think they are more than just friends when they aren't. Though, her heart aches for that day to come. Her thoughts were pushed aside as her faced flushed upon seeing something tenting Jesse within the only material on his body.

"Petra.....~" He whispers again, huskily.

Petra felt her skin and bones shiver. She wasn't cold. Why was she feeling like this? And why...Couldn't she prevent her eyes from staring on his crotch. She swallowed. She never felt her body react like this. There were times where she got injured, there were times where her body reacted when hanging out with her friends. But what was this feeling?

"Mmmmm....~ You like that don't you.....~"

Her face couldn't have gone redder if she tried. Her hand shakily rose before she pulled it back. She couldn't do this, despite her own body protesting. She needed to look away, forget that this ever happen. But even after looking away, her eyes still refused to look anywhere but down there. Without a piece of her will, her hand touched the tent on the materiel of his jeans.

"So....Hard....Like iron...." She licked her lips.

Jesse let out a soft mewl before his snores took over again. Petra bit her lower lip. She needed to stop this. But did she really wanted to?


No she didn't. She still wanted to continue touching it, despite the back of her brain warned her to back off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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