Chapter 6

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Lea was sure her face was glowing bright red already from the embarrassment of being so vulnerable. All her life she was trained as a warrior, a solider and now a leader. Now she was reduced to...this- no, she couldn't think like that. This was Raphael, the only one that could reduce her to this.


Her name was spoken so softly in between his moans and the creaking of the bed. He was asking for permission. The blue cladded turtle heart had swelled and her eyes shut tightly. He was close, she could feel it inside her. Spots decorated her vision as they climaxed together.

He hissed loudly and bit hard on her skin. She lifted his head so she could see him, she wanted to kiss him but the pleasurable nip at her shoulder made her churr. They didn't need to look at one another this time. They already closed their bond together with a strong tie. Lea hugged Raphael closely, panting and trembling still, he kissed the top of her head.

Still panting, Raphael chokes out. "You're on the pill, right?"

"Y-Yeah....." Lea moans softly, her eyes hooded.

It was just one of those rare moments where they were truly happy. Truly happy. Not the kind of happy just because they'd had sex a moment ago, either. But actually, really happy.

Curled up and cuddled together, the two lovers stared up at the moon from Lea's window. The city was just overhead, the bustle of human activities masking any sound of their own activities. It was warm under the covers, cozy as the two had spent some time and effort into making this secret time their own.

They had just settled into a comfortable silence before Lea turned in Raphael's arms, staring at the bigger turtle, chin resting on his plastron. There was an odd little expression playing on her lips, one that had the latter's heart beating faster.

"What?" Raphael demanded.

"Nothing." Lea responded, her eyes flitting away. "I-I just..." Her eyes went back up to the sky. "They're beautiful."

Glancing back up at the sky, staring at the tiny, sparkly specs, Raph rolled his eyes. Not that Lea could really see it. "Just stars."

The blue cladded turtle turned her head until she was staring at him. "How can you say that?" She frowned. "Just look! All that space! .....I just wish we didn't have to hide....."

The sad tone that hung in the air between them had Raphael sitting up. Brows furrowed, he tried to catch his girlfriend's eye, but Lea was studiously looking up now. She'd slipped up and she knew it. Tough cookies, though, because now she had truly gotten Raph's attention. And it made his gut squirm.

"You regret it." It was not a question, but so much more than an accusation. "You're regretting being with me, aren't you?"

"No, of course not." The female turtle sighed, sitting up as well. "Don't say that-"

"Bullshit!" The red cladded turtle snapped. "You regret it. I knew you would! What the fuck was I even thinking, believing you'd actually go along with this! You're probably going to ditch me as soon as-"

Raphael was cut off mid-rant by a pair of lips crashing into his. When his mind caught up to him, the bigger turtle was tempted to push his girlfriend away out of spite. He didn't like how Lea could make his brain stutter and die whenever she kissed him. It wasn't fair how the female turtle could win any argument they had now when she did this.

When Lea finally pulled back, however, blue eyes were wide and full of concern. Raph hated that look. "Why do you think I regret this?" She asked quietly, stroking the hothead's jaw lightly with her thumb.

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