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Song playing: I don't know how but they found me- choke

Sometimes I feel like a robot

Since I don't feel I mimic

I mimic the books I read ,the shows I watch, Homo sapiens that I interact with daily

I feel as if I'm not human as if I'm just a robot in disguise but I've bled and bled so maybe not

Or maybe they just took my important stuff

Stuff that make humans who they are

Song playing: Mother mother- oh Ana


Mainly the brain

Maybe they stole a humans body and took out the stuff that they thought unnecessary to me. Who 'they' are I will probably never know

But one thing I do know is that I don't belong in a place where not belonging is normal and that I don't belong even among the 'misfits' as Rudolph calls them

Lol that's enough for tonight

Why am I like this I wonder?!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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