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I know that this is a bit late but I've decided I'll be posting on Saturdays now Because it's the weekend and it'll be a lot more convenient because it's exam season in school and it's been really stressful for me recently! X

Is it strange that I've planned out book 2 and book 3?! 😂 i hope you guys are enjoying this so far xx


"Aslans kin is near the stone table, just across the frozen river." Beaver says


"The river has been frozen for hundreds of years, peter." I say

"It's so far..."

"It's the world. Did you think it would be small?" Mrs beaver chuckles

"Smaller." Susan answers


"C'mon yous ones! Whilst we're still young."Beaver calls back to us

"If he tells us to hurry up one more time, I'm gonna turn him into a big woolly hat!" Peter lifts Lucy onto his shoulders

I laugh at his antics. "You shouldn't say such things,peter!"

"Hurry up! Come on!" He calls again

"It is getting a bit annoying." Lucy smiles at me

"Go! Behind you!" Mrs beaver cried "it's her!"

My eyes go wide and my head snaps towards the sound of a sleigh "run!" I bellow

We all sprint through the deep snow and occasionally one of us would yell encouragement to keep running.

I grab peters hand and continue running. "Peter c'mon!"

"There!" I point to a small hidden cave "get in!"

We scramble under the overhang all holding our breaths in fear that the witch would hear our pants.

I shift slightly closer to peter. I grasp his hand tightly and cover my mouth with my other shaking one.

We hear the loud foot steps and a few drops of snow fall. "Maybe she's gone...." Lucy whimpers

"I'll go look." Peter says

"No! You're worth nothing to Narnia dead. I'll go." Beaver says

"Neither are you beaver." Mrs beaver places her paw on her husbands arm

"Thanks love."

Beaver eases foreword and slowly climbs up the mound.

We wait for a few moments before beaver pokes his head down suddenly which causes me to let out a small squeal.

"I hope you've all been good, cause there's someone here to see ya!" He says in a rather excited tone

We emerge from our hideout and a large grin immediately creeps onto my face "hello, Nicholas!"

"Hello my queen, it's a pleasure as per usual." He bows

"Merry Christmas, sir." Lucy steps forward.

"Haha, it certainly is lucy. Since you have arrived."

"Look," Susan folds her arms "I've put up with a lot since we arrived. But this?"

"We thought you were the witch." Peter explains

"Yes, But in my defence I've been driving one of these far longer than the witch." He pats his sleigh

"I thought there was no Christmas in Narnia?" Susan gives me a pointed look

"No. Not for a long time." I say

"But The hope, that you have brought, your majesties, is finally starting to weaken the witch's power."

I smile at the beavers and give peters hand a squeeze.

"Still, I daresay you could do with these."

"Presents!" Lucy squeals

"The juice of the fire flower, one drop will heal any injury. And although i hope you never have to use it..." He hands Lucy a bottle and a dagger

"Thank you sir. I think I could be brave enough."

"I'm sure you could. But battles are ugly affairs." He smiles at Lucy

Lucy beams up at him and slowly backs up.

"Susan," he holds out a bow "trust in this bow and it will not easily miss."

"What happened to 'battles are ugly affairs'?" She takes the bow

Santa laughs "though you don't seem to have trouble making yourself heard..." he holds out a horn with intricate designs on it. "Blow on this and wherever you are, help will come."

"Thanks." She says

"Peter. The time to use these may be near at hand."

Peter takes the weapons and draws the sword which scrapes the cover. "Thank you, sir."

"Victoria, my friend. Take this," he hands me over a small glass vile with clear liquid inside "the elixir of the bluecrown flower. It brings life to death. Sealed with a kiss." He then hands me a sword and a shield. "Protection. Use it Well."

"Thank you." I gently take the gifts

"These are tools." Santa reminds us "not toys. Bear them well and wisely. Now, I must be on my way. Winter is almost here. And that means lots to deliver. Things do pile up when you've been gone 100 years! Long live Aslan and Long may she reign!"

St. Nicholas soars away and we call out goodbyes

"Told you He was real." Lucy says smugly to Susan

"He said winter was almost over. And you know what that means." Peter says sombrely

"No more ice." I say


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