Chapter 35 (Full Moon)

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Lisa was on her way to the clinic, she's waiting for the green light when she saw someone familiar went inside of her clinic. The green light was on and she crossed the road still her eyes glued on the door. The moment that it opened again, she knew it.

It's him.

"Kim Taehyung"

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Heechul asked Taehyung went to bring Nayeon's diary at Lisa's clinic. Good thing when he came, only Jackson was there.

"yes sir, how can I help you?" Jackson asked and Taehyung smiled weakly, putting the diary on top of his table.

"I was asked to bring this here, Dr. Park needs it" Taehyung told Jackson.

"oh, okay, but the doctor isn't here yet, do you want to wait for her? She's on her way" Jackson informed and Taehyung looked at his watch. They have a practice in less than an hour, and he doesn't have time to wait anymore.

"I'll just leave it here then" Taehyung said then smiled weakly again.

"okay sir, if you need anything else, here's the doctor's contact number, please give it to Ms. Nayeon's Guardian" Jackson said giving Taehyung a card, Taehyung gladly accepted it then put it on his pocket without even looking at it. He studied the whole clinic first before looking at Jackson again.

"i'll be going then" Taehyung told Jackson then left.

Lisa watched as Taehyung disappear in front of her eyes.

I'm sorry, we're not destined to live in the same world, yours is far more colorful than mine, I don't want to drag you with me. So just stay away from me.

Lisa can't help but cry as she run to her office. Opening the door, Jackson greeted her with a wide smile and a coffee, but Lisa is not really paying attention, her head was so full of thoughts that she went inside of her office and hid under her table hugging herself. Jackson was feeling uncomfortable for a moment. It's his first time seeing Lisa this vulnerable. Why is she crying?

He gave her enough time for herself until he can't stand the silence anymore. He knocked weakly with the frappe in his hand and Lisa immediately wiped her tears away as she open the door.

"yes Jackson?" she asked, as professional as possible. But her voice and shoulders won't lie.

Jackson watched Lisa's shoulders go up and down. She's still crying.

"I have your favorite coffee!!, I woke up early and waited for 30 minutes outside the coffee shop before it completely open, good thing the owner was there" Jackson said cheerfully trying to make Lisa smile, and she did. A fake one.

"thank you" Lisa answered him taking the coffee from him.

"the owner of the coffee shop is really good looking, he doesn't even look like he's the owner, he looks like a VIP customer!" Jackson stated making Lisa smile weakly.

"so you're gay now?" Lisa asked making the conversation more cheerful, but it only made Jackson look at her in a serious expression.

Lisa is a close book, you can never really tell what she's going to say or what she's going to do. That's how complicated she's is.

"now I know why you chose to be a psychiatrist, it suits you" Jackson said and Lisa just stared at his cheerful smile.

"I hope we can save more souls" he added.

"it's not souls that we're saving Jackson, it's not souls that we're facing, but the rotten physical appearance, if it's the ugly soul that they wanted to fix, it's just easy to put on an earphone and blast some music, but if they started to hurt themselves, then it's not the same anymore, I will not let anyone feel that pain, it's horrible, it's too sad" Lisa said and Jackson smiled again.

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